Bulletin Spring‧Summer 2004
Monastic C l u s t e r s Tranquil courtyards are a feature of the older parts of the campus where New Asia College and United College now stand. These spaces and their academic environment need to be not only preserved but enhanced to reflect the University's history. When erecting new structures in these areas, consideration should be given to the creation of more courtyard space. The new buildings should also be under 24 feet (approximately six storeys). New Asia campus United College campus Shaw campus Shaw College, constructed in the 1980s, has a far less classical architectural style than New Asia and United College. But despite this, it has 'monastic' potential. Public space, for instance, can be freed up for pedestrian pleasure by shifting the roundabout in the central p a rt of its c amp us to the entrance. Campus Master Planning for a New Decade 7
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