Annual Report 1999–2000

校長報告 8 VICE-CHANCELLOR' S REVIE W 旨在培訓更多中醫,協助把中醫中藥現代化,並納入香港的 醫療體制。 同年我們籌劃了多項與資訊科技有關的研究院課程,預定於 二零零零至二零零一年度開始招生。這些因應資訊年代的 來臨而開設的新課程,包括電子商貿管理理學碩士課程,電 子商貿技術理學碩士課程,和新媒體理學碩士課程。 我們也盡力照顧在職人士的需要。為了協助他們在知識型的 經濟中不斷充實自己,本校的校外進修學院特別為他們重 新編排課程,加強遙距學習的模式,並增辦多項證書及文憑 課程,內容主要與語文、工管、資訊科技、互聯網等熱門科 目有關。校外進修學院更探討了開辦副學士學位課程的 可行性,以提供更多機會予適齡學生接受專上敎育,為香港 的敎育改革獻一分力。 兩文三語新釋 新世紀事事強調溝通的重要,是以中大不只著重培養中英倶 佳的雙語人才,更要求學生通曉資訊科技,掌握資訊年代 的溝通工具。是以我們特別設計了一套有關電腦基本技能的 自學軟件,並設立資訊科技學習中心,方便學生學習和接受 測試。校方又規定於一九九九至二零零零年度及以後入學的 international four-star teaching hotel o n ou r campus b y 2004. Th e latter w i l ltrain medical practitioners i n a time-honoured tradition, at th e same time helping t o facilitate th e modernization o f Chinese medicine. D u r i ng th e same year, ne w programmes geared towards th e requirements o f a n Information Ag e were also being prepared. They include a Master o f Science i n E - commerce (Business Programme) i n the Faculty o f Business Administration, a parallel e-commerce programme w i t h a technological emphasis i n th e Faculty o f Engineering, an d a Master o f Science Programme i n N e w Media i n th e Faculty o f Social Science. A l l these w i l l b e launched i n th e 2000-1 academic year. T o help more and more w o r k i ng adults realize th e goal o f lifelong education i n a knowledge economy, ou r School o£ Continuing Studies undertook a major revamping o f it s curricula t o give emphasis t o distance learning programmes. Ma ny new diploma an d certificate programmes o n language proficiency, business an d management skills, information technology, and th e Internet were offered during th e year i n response t o popular demand. A n d as a means to enhance th e provision o f higher education opportunities i n H o n g Kong, th e School made a thorough study o f associate degree programmes, w i t h a n ai m o f introducing t h em as soon as practicable to cater t o emergent social needs a t a time o£ major educational reforms. Trilingualism Reinterpreted I n a n age wh en communication features prominently i n every enterprise, th e University is determined t o ensure that it s graduatesno t only communicate effectively i n both English an d Chinese, bu t ar e fully conversantw i t h th e universal language f o r th e ne w century, i.e. , 'computerese'. T o this end, ample resources were made available t o th e students, including a self-learning courseware o n basic computer skills an d a n on-line I T proficiency test. A n I T learning centre wa s also established during th e year f o r those i nneed o f training an d assessment. Th e University also made i t a rule that starting 1999-2000, al l newly admitted undergraduates w o u ld have t o pass th e I T proficiency testo r attend summer courses in I T before they could graduate. Th e samew o u ld b e required o f al l ne w postgraduate students next year. Meantime th e four-tier language enhancement programme introduced since 1997 wa s finetuned, involving th e reinforcement o f th e compulsory intensive programme i n Putonghua, Cantonese, an d English, and th e streamlining o f language training activities among university units. Th e University wo u ld persist i n it sefforts t o Kelp