[本院學生獲表揚] 本院護理科學碩士(註冊前)二年級生黃詠婷,在私家醫院臨床實習期間表現出色。她的態度親切有禮,為病人提供清晰的指引和協助,得到病人的稱讚和表揚,並成為其他同學的良好榜樣。黃同學做得非常好,請繼續努力,用心照顧更多病人!
[Compliments to Our Student] Our Master of Nursing Science (Pre-registration) Programme Year 2 student Wing Ting Wong has done a great job during her clinical placement at a private hospital. She provided clear guidance and assistance to the patient with courtesy and politeness. Her clinical performance was highly appreciated by the patient. She has also set an excellent example for other students in serving patients with compassion and care. Well done Wing Ting! Please keep up your good work!
#cuhknursing #MNSP #WingTingWong #Compliments #中大那打素護理學院 #護理科學碩士註冊前 #黃詠婷 #表揚