Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991

sity and a university from mainland China or Taiwan. (59) From Nestle China Ltd. HK$15,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Paediatrics to attend the Commonwealth conference on diarrhoea and malnutrition in New Delhi, India. (60) From Mrs. Mary New an annual donation o f US$1,000 for five years for the subscription of two major journals in sociology and in support o f the thesis research o f the postgraduate stu­ dents in sociology. (61) From Roche Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Limited HK$4,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Clinical Pharmacology to attend a hypertension and cardiology sympo sium in Brazil. (62) From Seekers Technical Trading Co. HK$7,100 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Chemical Pathology to attend an European congress on clinical chemistry in Poland. (63) From C iba-Corning Diagnostics (HK ) Ltd. HK$7,800 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Chemical Pathology to attend an European congress on clinical chemistry in Poland. (64) From Sino-British Fellowship Trust: (a) £10,000 fo r academic exchanges w ith institutions in China in 1991-92; and (b) £1,500 to the vice-chancellor's discre tionary fund in 1991-92. (65) From Sin Yamato Company Lim ited HK$50,000 for the Japan and Asia-Pacific Development Programme o f the Hong Kong Institute o f Asia- Pacific Studies. (66) From Dai Nippon Travel Service HK$50,000 for the Japan and Asia-Pacific Development Programme o f the Hong Kong Institute o f Asia- Pacific Studies. (67) From S tryker Pacific Ltd. HK$50,000 fo r a laparoscopic cholecystectomy workshop or ganized by the Department o f Surgery. (68) From Y.C. Woo & Co. Ltd. HK$20,000 for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy workshop organized by the Department o f Surgery. (69) From U n ited Board fo r C h ristian H igher Education in Asia US$40,000 fo r exchange programmes w ith institutions in China. (70) From various donors HK$237,900 towards the Hong Kong Paediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Fund o f the Department o f Paediatrics. (71) F rom va rious donors H K $ 5 ,849 ,172 .42 , £200,US$150 and S$50 towards the Children's Cancer Fund o f the Department o f Paediatrics. (72) From various donors HK$1,331,023.70 towards the Dr. Choh-Ming L i Memorial Fund. (73) F rom various donors donations to ta llin g HK$832,978.15 to New Asia College during the period July 1990 to June 1991. (74) F rom various donors donations to ta llin g HK$344,200 to United College during the period July 1990 to June 1991. (75) From K.C. Wong Education Foundation Ltd. HK$15,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f B io logy to give lectures at Wuhan University, China. (76) From Sandoz Pharmaceuticals a television set to the Department o f Medicine for use in the Renal Unit o f the Prince o f Wales Hospital. (77) From AST Asia/Pacific an annual donation o f HK$10,000 to provide two scholarships o f $5,000 each for final-year students, one each from the Faculty o f Business Administration and the Department o f Computer Science. (78) From Astra Pharmaceuticals (HK ) Ltd.: (a) HK$ 19,000 for a research project under­ taken by the Department o f Medicine; (b) HK$8,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Surgery to attend an academic conference in Dublin, Ireland; and (c) HK$18,000 to sponsor a staff member o f the Department o f Paediatrics to attend an international congress in Kyoto, Japan. (79) From Mr. Chan Hing Fai and Ms. Chan Lai Hung HK$65,000 for renal research undertaken by the Department o f Medicine. (80) From Fong Shing Cotton M ill (HK ) Ltd. HK$100,000 for research projects undertaken by the Department o f Chemistry. (81) From the Hong Kong Cancer Fund (EORTC) HK$120,000 for the recruitment o f a research associate in the Department o f C lin ic a l Oncology. (82) From Lee Foundation (HK) Ltd. HK$25,000 for a research project undertaken by Dr. Stephen L.W. Tang o f the Department o f Sociology. (83) From Dr. L i Kwok Ming, Edmund HK$3,000 for kidney research undertaken by the Depart­ ment o f Medicine. GIFTS & DONATIONS 35