Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1995

Cancer Prevention Clinic of the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology. (86) From Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Limited: (a) to the Department of Community and Family Medicine HK$4,000 for printing a booklet on menopause; (b) to the Department of Medicine: (i) HK$62,200 to support a study; and (ii) HK$60,000 to sponsor two staffmembers to attend The Fourth International Conference on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus held in Jerusalem, Israel, in March 1995. (87) From Wyeth (HK) Ltd. HK$3000 for printing a booklet on menopause published by the Department of Community and Family Medicine. (88) From Shell Hong Kong Limited: (a) HK10,000 to support the publication of 'A Summary Report on the Employment Survey of 1994 Graduates' by the Office of Student Affairs; and (b) HK$10,000 to support the research activities undertaken by Dr. Chan Kin-shing at the Department of Chemistry. (89) FromAbbott Laboratories Limited to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: (a) HK$64,110 to support the maternal study on prenatal diagnosis; and (b) HK$4,300 to sponsor a staff member to attend the intensive course on downs screening held at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, UK, in March 1995. (90) From Boehringer Mannheim China Ltd. HK$16,000 to support a research project undertaken by the Department of Clinical Pharmacology. (91) From Cheng SuenMan-shook Foundation: (a) to the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology: (i) HK$500,000 to support the research project on mutation of viral hepatitis B; (ii) HK$500,000 to support the research project on effect of traditional Chinese herbal medicine on chronic hepatitis B virus infection jointly undertaken with the Department of Medicine and the Department of Microbiology; and (iii) HK40,000 to support the Chinese Pathologist Fellowship Programme. (b) to the Faculty of Medicine: (i) HK$100,000 to support the annual lecture series on cancer and allied diseases; and (ii) HK$500,000 to support the medical information transfer station. (92) From Chiang Ching Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange to the Department of Anthropology: (a) a further donation of US$10,622.26 to support the research project on the Mazu Temple undertaken by Dr. Joseph Bosco; and (b) a further donation of US$14,754.03 to support the research project on traditional musicians in Shanxi undertaken by Prof. Chien Chiao. (93) From the following donors to support the enhancement of diabetic care and research activities in Hong Kong undertaken by the Department of Medicine: (a) Ms. Chiu Chui-yin, Vivian HK$200; (b) Ms. Leung Kwai-chung HK$1,000; (c) Miss Lioa W.Y. Elizabeth HK$5,000; (d) Madam Tang Wai-ching HK$500; (e) Mr. Tsui Wing-yiu HK$1,000; (f) Mr. Wong Kam-moon HK$300; and (g) Ms. Yao Chung-kit, Katherine HK$5,000. (94) From Daiichi Pharmaceutical Asia Ltd. HK$29,000 to support a trial for chronic supparative otitis media undertaken by the Department of Surgery. (95) From Glaxo Hong Kong Limited: (a) to the Department of Medicine: (i) HK$303,450 to support a clinical trial; (ii) HK$103,000 to support a study in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; (b) to the Department of Clinical Oncology HK$25,000 to sponsor a staff member to attend the American Society of Clinical Oncology Conference held in Los Angeles, USA, in May 1995; (c) to the Department of Paediatrics HK$14,220 to sponsor: (i) a staff member to attend a forum held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in March 1995; and (ii) a staffmember to attend the annual scientific meeting of the Australasian Society for Infectious Disease held in Darwin, Australia, in May 1995. (96) From Mr. Jensan C. Jen HK$30,000 to support the research project on immunoblotting of human central nervous system undertaken by the Department of Anatomy. (97) From Miss Lam Sau-wai HK$100 to the Hong Kong Cancer Institute for research purposes. (98) From Mrs. Nancy Lee HK$8,957.50 to support the programme on research utilization in education and social sciences undertaken by Prof. C.Y. To. (99) From Occupational Safety and Health Council HK$200,000 to support the study on the occupational noise exposure and hearing level among non-industrial sectors in Hong Kong undertaken by the Department of Community and Family Medicine. (100) From Oriental Press Charitable Fund Association: (a) to the Department of Medicine HK$2,150 to support the study on Hong Kong lupus nephritis; (b) to the Department of Surgery: (i) HK$9,280 towards the Bums Foundation; and (ii) HK$6,650 to support the Skin Bank. (101) From Warner Lambert (HK) Ltd. HK$50,000 to support the clinical study on gabapentin undertaken Gifts and Donations 38