CUHK: Focus at 50
14 聚焦凝鏡:中大金禧紀實 CUHK: Focus at 50 余光中教授 Prof. Yu Kwang-chung 著名文學家及詩人、中國語言及文學系前教授 Renowned Literature Scholar and Poet; Former Reader at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature 「中大給我很多寫作靈感,沙田、馬料水的環境得天獨厚,校園簡 直就在風景畫裏。遠遠看見馬鞍山,馬鞍山後面還有山,山的輪廓 一層一層的,都有一點重疊,這是中國水墨畫的意境。」 ‘CUHK gave me a lot of inspiration for my works. The campus is situated alongside the natural beauty of Ma Liu Shui. I could see Ma On Shan and the mountains behind it, one layer after another. It’s just like a Chinese ink-and-wash painting.’ 盧瑋鑾教授(小思) Prof. Lo Wai-luen (aka Xiao Si) 著名作家和教育家、中國語言及文學系前教授 Renowned Writer and Educator; Former Professor at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature 「若將收集的香港文化刊物和文學書籍只放在我家,意義不大;如 能把這些資料公開給大眾使用,是有意義的。我慶幸中大圖書館接 收了這些資料,成立了香港文學特藏。」 ‘I spent much of my time on collecting books and publications on Hong Kong literature and it is worthless if I just keep them at home. It would be most meaningful if these materials could be made accessible to the public. I was delighted that the University Library accepted my collection and turned it into the Hong Kong Literature Collection.’ 走出校園,關懷世界 Stepping Outside the Campus, Showing We Care 中大鼓勵同學走出校園,體會社會不同階層的生活境況。逸夫 書院的同學選擇將關愛帶給塔門島的長者,音樂系的同學則發起 「樂動視遊」計劃,讓視障人士透過音樂感受世界。 CUHK has been encouraging students to reach out to the community and learn about the lives of different social classes. Students of Shaw College paid a visit to the elderly at Grass Island, while students from the Music Department initiated the project ‘MOTIVIC’ to help the visually impaired to experience the world through music.
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