Bulletin Winter 1999
Sing Tao Daily in San Francisco and the Hong Kong China News Service for some time. Dr. L i visited the United States for the first time in August 1974 when he was an exchange student of CUHK to Beaver College, Glenside, Philadelphia. He later spent several years in the US, living in the West Coast and the Midwest of America. Dr. Li's academic interests are wide-ranged and these include education, j ou r na l i sm education, journalistic writing, international communication, world history of mass communication, theory of mass communication, mass communication laws and ethics, as well as mass communication in China. He is now wo r k i ng on t wo books: Back to the Basics in Reporting , a n d An Annotated Bibliography of Western Press Coverage of the Third World. M r s . M a r i a n Y . J. T o n g Lecturer in Accountancy Mrs. Marian Y.J. Tong studied accounting at National Chengchi Uni- versity in Taiwan and at the University of Texas at A r l i n g t on in USA, where she earned her M P A i n 1977. A f t e r graduation, she worked for several commercial and industrial firms in the United States and in Hong Kong. Her wo rk i n v o l v ed ma i n ly in cost and managerial accounting, forecasting and budgeting. She also participated in setting up accounting systems for new subsidiary companies of the parent company. Mrs. Tong believes that serving as a lecturer in the University is not only a pleasant experience, but also enables her to have an opportunity to enrich her knowledge through teaching and research. D r . W o n g J u e n - k on Lecturer in Chinese Language and Litem- ture Dr. Wong Juen-kon graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1975. He then twice pursued his further studies in classical Chinese literature at this University before he took his Ph.D. in 1987. Dr. Wong is concurrently interested in education and he also completed his study programmes of P.C.Ed., Adv.Dip.Ed. and M.Ed, at the University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wong has been a seconda ry s c h o ol teacher for many years before he was recruited in 1983 as a lecturer in the Department of Chinese, Gr an t ham Co l l ege of Education, Hong Kong. He was also a part-time lecturer in the Evening Institute of Higher Chinese Studies, and then the City Polytechnic of Hong Kong in recent years. Dr. Wong's research interests are topics on language teaching, as well as literature in the periods of the Six Dynasties and the Song Dynasty. M r . W o n g Ng ai Y i n g Lecturer in Education M r . Wo ng Ngai Y i ng g r adua t ed f r om the U n i v e r s i ty o f H o ng Kong with a BA degree and c omp l e t ed the programmes of M.Phil., Ce r t . Ed. at his a l ma mater. He also obtained an M A (Ed) degree from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Before joining this University, Mr. Wong has been a tutor in the Mathematics Department of the Un i ve r s i t y of Hong Kong, a school teacher, a counseller and extracurricular activities coordinator. He is at present teaching mathematics education and extracurricular activities. Mr. Wong is an associate fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications in England. He is also editor of Mathematics Bulletin published by the Hong Kong Association for Science and Mathematics Education, and a member of the writing team of Hong Kong Association for Science Popularization. Mr. Wong's fields of interest include topology, problem solving, self-monitoring, history of Chinese mathematics, extracurricular activities, popularization of mathematics, mathematics and statistics education, as well as enhancement of spatial visualization. 22
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