The Call of CUHK Colleges
除了由大學提供的專業心理輔導外,善衡書院也有自己的學生輔導服務,還會邀請相關專業人士定期舉辦個人成長工 作坊,幫助學生的身心發展。陳震夏館 301 室的「心泉」給予善衡學生一個安靜、舒適的空間,讓他們藉着藝術創作表 達自我,探索生命的多個可能性,從而認識自己,建立生命核心。書院曾在此舉辦過性格透視工作坊、職場發展工作坊、 非本地生適應小組等活動。 Apart from professional psychological counselling provided by CUHK, S.H. Ho College also runs its own student counselling services, including one-on-one counselling, and regularly invites professionals to hold personal growth workshops to help facilitate the physical and mental development of its students and boost their self-confidence. Located in Room 301 of Chan Chun Ha Hall, ‘The Wells’ offers S.H. Ho College students a tranquil, comfortable space to create art for self-expression. From this endeavour, they can embark on a journey of self-discovery to eventually establish a core mission in life. It was also here that the College held its workshops like personality dimensions workshop, career workshop, and cultural adaptation programme for non-local students. 32
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