Annual Report 2007–08
35 研 究 Research 重要研究成就 Significant Research Achievements 裘槎基金會頒授優秀科研者獎予計算機科學與工程學 系呂榮聰教授(右一)及化學系成公明教授(左一),表 彰他們在國際科學界的出色成就。兩位學者的研究均 享譽世界,呂教授是軟件可靠性工程學專家,成教授則 致力發展嶄新方法來合成可用於化療的有機分子。 The Croucher Foundation awarded two of its Senior Research Fellowships to Prof. Lyu Rung-tsong Michael (1st right) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and Prof. Shing Kung-ming Tony (1st left) in the Department of Chemistry, in recognition of their outstanding scientific achievements in the international scientific community. Both professors are researchers of international repute, Prof. Lyu in the field of software reliability engineering and Prof. Shing in the development of novel methods for the syntheses of organic molecules with chemotherapeutic potential. 自動化與計算機輔助工程學講座教授 徐揚生教授(左)於二零零七年獲選為 中國工程院院士,肯定他在工程科學的 傑出成就和貢獻。電子工程學系孟慶虎 教授(中)及訊息工程學系邱達民教授 (右)則於二零零八年獲國際工程權威 組織電機及電子工程師學會選為院士。 Prof. Xu Yangsheng (left), Professor of Automation and Computer-Aided Engineering, was elected in 2007 a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, in recognition of his contributions in the field of engineering. Two professors in the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Max Q.H. Meng (centre) in the Department of Electronic Engineering and Prof. Chiu Dah-ming Winston (right) in the Department of Information Engineering, were elected fellows of the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2008. 二零零七年九月,醫學院李嘉誠醫學講座教授盧煜明教授率領的「母體血 漿胎兒核酸研究中心」項目,獲大學教育資助委員會(教資會)甄選為第四 輪兩個卓越學科領域計劃之一,獲撥款二千九百九十二萬港元。 In September 2007, Prof. Dennis Y.M. Lo, Li Ka Shing Professor of Medicine, and his research team were awarded an Areas of Excellence (AoE) grant of HK$29.92 million to develop the project ‘Centre for Research into Circulating Fetal Nucleic Acids’. The grant was one of only two made in the fourth round of the AoE exercise of the University Grants Committee (UGC). Regenerative Medicine, MoE, CUHK and Jinan University, and the CUHK MoE–Microsoft Key Laboratory of Human-Centric Computing and Interface Technologies. The latter’s scope of research encompasses computer vision, computer graphics, speech processing, and wireless communications and networking. Significant impetus was given to the work of the Faculty of Medicine with the official opening of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences in September 2007. A distinguishing feature of the institute is its innovative and interdisciplinary approach to research projects that aim at translating advances in basic and molecular sciences into tests and treatments that benefit patients and promote good health. Researchers from different departments can now work in close proximity with each other, an important consideration in view of the increasing complexity of biomedical research and the rising need for multidisciplinary output. 育部-微軟重點實驗室」,後者研究範 圍涵蓋電腦視覺、電腦圖形學、語音處 理、無線通訊與網路等。 二零零七年九月正式啟用的李嘉誠健康 科學研究所,大力推動了醫學院的臨床 及健康科學研究發展。研究所的特色是 利用嶄新及跨學科的研究方法,把基礎 及分子科學的先進研究,有效轉化為測 試與治療方案,造福病人,促進健康。鑒 於生物醫學研究漸趨複雜,對跨學科研 究成果需求的日趨殷切,研究所的設立 實有利來自不同範疇的研究人員緊密 合作。
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