Teaching Fields
Physical Geography
Natural Resources Management
Tourism and Recreation
Research Interests
Agriculture and Food Security
Soils and Environment
SDGs and Resources Management
Tourism, Ecotourism and Environment
Landscapes, Soundscapes and Tranquility
Director, Master of Social Science in Sustainable Tourism (MSSST), Department of Geography and Resource Management, CUHK
Professor of Courtesy, School of Hotel and Tourism Management, CUHK
Member, UNWTO World Committee on Tourism Ethics (WCTE)
Vice Chair, World Leisure Board of Directors, World Leisure Organization
Member, International Ecotourism Society
Member, National Geographic Sustainable Tourism Action Group
Member, Board of Directors, World Leisure Organization
Senior Fellow, World Leisure Academy
Member of the Hong Kong A-Level Geography Room Project, a Web-based
resource for Hong Kong A-Level teachers and students
Member, New York Academy of Sciences November, 1999
Member, Washington based World Bank Vetiver Information Network, Agriculture
Division, World Bank, Washington D. C.
Associate Member, Institution of Agricultural, Engineers, Silsoe, U.K, 1990
Chairperson, Parent Teacher's Association, Phoenix International School, Hong Kong
Selected Publications
Marafa, L. M., Chan, C. S. and Z. Wang. (2020). Teaching and E-Learning with zoom as a Learning Management System (LMS). Asian Journal of Distance Education. Forthcoming.
Bayrak, M. M., & Marafa, L. M. 2020. REDD+ as a Vehicle for Community-Based Forest Management? Critical Insights from Vietnam. Small-scale Forestry, 19:57-81. doi.org/10.1007/s11842-020-09432-x.
Duan, X., Marafa, L. M., Chan, C. S., Xu, H. and Cheung, L. T. O. (2020). Measuring the Gaps in the Projected Image and Perceived Image of Rural Tourism Destinations in China’s Yangtze River Delta. Sustainability, 12, 12(12), 5121; https://doi.org/10.3390/su12125121.
Sofield, T. H. B and Marafa, L. M. (2019). Revitalizing fieldtrips in tourism: Visual anthropology, photo elicitation, rapid appraisal, participant observation and Habermas. Tourism Management. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tourman.2019.04.007.
Mucahid Mustafa Bayrak and Lawal Mohammed Marafa (2019): Are Vietnamese farmers able to combat global climate change? A case study on perceptions and attitudes towards sustainable forest management and REDD+ in Central Vietnam. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, DOI: 10.1080/10549811.2019.1634593.
Chan. C. S. and L. M. Marafa, C. C. K. Van Den Boschb, and T. B. Randrup. (2018). Starting conditions for the green branding of a city. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management. 10, 10–24.
Chan, C. S., Si, F. H., & Marafa, L. M (2018). Indicator development for sustainable urban park management in Hong Kong. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 31, 1-14.
Chan, C. S., & Marafa, L. M (2018). Knowledge-perception bridge of green-smart
integration of cities: An empirical study of Hong Kong. Sustainability, 10(1), 107-126.
Duan, Xialei; Chan, Chung Shing; Marafa, Lawal M. (2018). Does Authenticity exist in Cultural Theme Parks? A case study of Millennium City Park in Henan, China (JTCC-0832.R3), Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change.
Bayrak, M. M. and L. M. Marafa (2017). The role of sacred forests and traditional livelihoods in REDD+: Two case studies in Vietnam’s Central Highlands. In. Shifting Cultivation Policies: Balancing Environmental and Social Sustainability. M. Cairns (Ed). CABI Publishing.
Chan, C. S., Chiu, H. Y and Marafa, L. M. (2017). The Mainland Chinese market for nature tourism in Hong Kong. Tourism Geographies. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14616688.2017.1360387
Watts, G. and Marafa, L. (2017). Validation of the Tranquillity Rating Prediction Tool (TRAPT): comparative studies in UK and Hong Kong. Noise Mapping. 4(1): 67-74. https://doi.org/10.1515/noise-2017-0005
Bayrak, M. M and L. M. Marafa (2017) Livelihood Implications and Perceptions of Large Scale Investment in Natural Resources for Conservation and Carbon Sequestration: Empirical Evidence from REDD+ in Vietnam. Sustainability, 9, 1802; doi: 10.3390/su9101802.
Marafa, L. M., Qui, W. W. and Sunil, KC. (2016). Estimating carbon dioxide emissions from Chinese mainland tourism packages to Hong Kong and Macau. Tourism Management Perspectives, In press.
Chan, C. S., & Marafa, L. M. (2016). How a green city brand determines the willingness to stay in a city? The case of Hong Kong. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2016.1236768.
Bayrak, M. M. and Marafa, L. M. (2016). Ten Years of REDD+: A Critical Review of the Impact of REDD+ on Forest-Dependent Communities. Sustainability, 8 (7), 620. doi:10.3390/su8070620.
Chan, C. S., & Marafa, L. M. (2016). The green branding of Hong Kong: Visitors’ and residents’ perceptions. Journal of Place Management and Development. Vol. 9 Issue 3. doi.org/10.1108/JPMD-02-2016-0008.
Chiu, H. Y., Chan, C. S., & Marafa, L. M. (2016). Local perception and preferences ofnature tourism in Hong Kong. Tourism Management Perspectives, 20, 87-97.
Chan, C. S., Marafa, L. M., & van den Bosch, C. C. K. (2015). Changing perspectives in urban park management: A longitudinal study of Hong Kong. Managing Leisure, 20 (1), 56-76.
Chan, C. S., Peter, M., and Marafa, L. M. (2015). Public parks in city branding: Perceptions of visitors vis-à-vis residents in Hong Kong. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, in press.
Marafa, L. M. (2015). Protected Area Tourism. In. J. Jafari, H. Xiao (eds.). Encyclopedia of Tourism. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-01669-6_153-1
Chan, C. S., Marafa, L. M., and van den Bosch, C. C. K. (2015). Changing perspectives in urban park management: A longitudinal study of Hong Kong. Managing Leisure, 20(1), 56-76.
Chan, C. S., and Marafa, L. M. (2014). Rebranding Hong Kong “Green”: The potential for connecting city branding with green resources. World Leisure Journal, 56(1), 62-80.
Marafa, L. M., Watts, G., and Chan, S. W. (2013). Factors affecting the perceptions of tranquil spaces in Hong Kong. Internoise 2013, Innsbruck, Austria.
Marafa, L. M. (2012). International guest statement: Natural landscapes in urban environments and the role of Feng Shui. In P. Dearden, & B. Mitchell (Eds.), Environmental change and challenge: A Canadian perspective (4th ed.) (pp. 481-482). Don Mills, Ontario, Oxford University Press.
Chau Kwai Choeng, Lam Kin Che, Marafa Lawal M. (2010) Visitors’ response to extraneous noise in countryside recreation areas. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 58 (5). Sept – Oct. 2010.
Kin-che Lam, Lex Brown, Lawal Marafa and Kwai-cheong Chau (2009) Human Preference for Countryside Soundscapes, Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 96. 463-471.
Marafa, Lawal Mohammed (2007). Achieving the Millennium Development Goals through Tourism". ECOCLUB: International Magazine vol.7 no.91 p.10-13.
Marafa, L. M., and Fung, T. (2004). Changes in participation in leisure and outdoor recreation activities among people living in Hong Kong during SARS outbreak. World Leisure, 46(2), 38-47. doi:10.1080/04419057.2004.9674356
Marafa, L. M. (2003). Integrating natural and cultural heritage: The advantage of Feng Shui landscape resources. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 9(4), 307-323. doi: 10.1080/1352725022000155054
Marafa, L. M and K. C. Chau (1999). Effect of hill fire on upland soil in Hong Kong. Forest Ecology and Management. 120 (1999) 97-104.
K.C. Chau and Lawal M. Marafa. (1999b). Vegetation Chronosequence in Hong Kong: Soil properties and Successional Development. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography. Vol. 20. No. 1, 24 - 35.
Marafa, L. M. and K. C. Chau (1999a). Morphology and chemical properties of soils along a vegetation gradient affected by fire in Hong Kong. Soil Science. 164: (9) 683-691.
Selected Research Projects
Characterizing Environmental and Cultural Ecosystem Services of Feng Shui Forests in Hong Kong. Sponsored by Research Grants Council – General Research Fund during the period 2021-01-01 to 2022-12-31 for the sum of HK$ 623,234.00.
Contextualization the Use Zoom Online Platform in Teaching and Learning. Co-Supervisor; Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), (Special Funding Scheme for Online Learning), CUHK, 01/04/2020-31/01/2021, HK$99,800.
Microbiological and Metagenomic Analysis of the Microbiome and Antibiotics Resistance Genes in Manure from Organic Farms (Phase 1). Sponsored by Research Grants Council – General Research Fund during the period 2020-01-01 to 2022-12-31 for the sum of HK$ 1,200,000.00.
Achieving sustainable urban park management in Hong Kong through the development of indicators sponsored by Public Policy Research (PPR) Fund during the period 08/2016-10/2017 for the sum of HK$340,786.
Tripartite (teaching, learning and research) enhancement in tourism study: A scenario game approach, sponsored by Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), CUHK during the period 01/2017-03/2019 for the sum of HK$500,000.
Active learning through an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment (IVR) sponsored by Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), CUHK for the period 12/2016-07/2018 for the sum of HK$800,000.
*Adopting REDD+ for conservation, sustainable community livelihood and climate change mitigation sponsored by World Universities Network (WUN) Research Development Fund during the period 2013-01-01 to 2014-06-14 for the sum of HK$298,963
Evaluating the Potential for Urban Agriculture to Enhance Food Security in Response to Climate Change (the project is hosted by the University of Alberta, Canada) sponsored by World Universities Network (WUN) Research Development Fund during the period 2013-01-01 to 2014-06-14 for the sum of HK$175,163
*Integrating Soundscape Considerations into the Planning and Management of Outdoor Recreation Zones in Hong Kong's Country Parks (CU09486) sponsored by Research Grants Council - General Research Fund during the period 2009-11-01 to 2011-10-31 for the sum of HKD 374,500.00
Mangrove Species Mapping and Leaf Area Index Modeling Using Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing Technologies in Hong Kong (CU08051) sponsored by Research Grants Council - General Research Fund during the period 2009-01-01 to 2011-06-30 for the sum of HKD 343,700.00
*Integrating Soundscape Considerations into the Planning and Management of Outdoor Recreation Zones in Hong Kong's Country Parks (CU09486) sponsored by Research Grants Council - General Research Fund during the period 2009-11-01 to 2011-10-31 for the sum of HKD 374,500.00
*Elucidation of the Tranquility Concept and Rating Tool in Hong Kong (CU12496) sponsored by Research Grants Council - General Research Fund during the period 2012-12-01 to 2014-11-30 for the sum of HKD 425,865.00
* denotes Principal Investigator