《中大通訊》第412期 > 宣布事項 > 服務社群
Prof. Ho Pui-yin, professor in the Department of History, has been re-appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Antiquities Advisory Board for two years from 1 January 2013.
Prof. Lu Lie-dan Tracey, professor in the Department of Anthropology, has been re-appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Antiquities Advisory Board for two years from 1 January 2013.
Prof. So Kee-long Billy, adjunct professor in the Department of History, has been re-appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Antiquities Advisory Board for two years from 1 January 2013.
Dr. Ting Sun-pao Joseph, adjunct professor in the Department of History, has been re-appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Antiquities Advisory Board for two years from 1 January 2013.
Prof. Ho Puay-peng, director and professor in the School of Architecture, has been appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Antiquities Advisory Board for two years from 1 January 2013.
Dr. Kan Fu Mee-yuk Shirley, senior lecturer & co-director, PACC Programme in the School of Accountancy, has been re-appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR as a member of the Panel of the Board of Review under the Inland Revenue Ordinance for three years from 1 January 2013.
Prof. Lam Ching-man, associate professor in the Department of Social Work, has been elected as a member of the Social Workers Registration Board for three years from 16 January 2013.