Calendar 2000–01
Code Course Title CSC 1110 Introduction to Computing CSC 1130 Introduction to Computer Programming CSC 1140 Programming Laboratory CSC 1410 Digital Logic CSC 1500 Computer Principles and Programming CSC 1720 Introduction to Internet CSC 2100 Data Structures CSC 2110 Discrete Mathematics CSC 2420 Computer Structures and Assembly Language Programming CSC 2510 Computer Organization CSC 2520 Data Structures and Applications CSC 2700 COBOL Programming CSC 2800 Numerical Computation CSC 3100 Software Engineering CSC 3120 Compiler Construction CSC 3130 Formal Languages and Automata Theory CSC 3150 Introduction to Operating Systems CSC 3160 Design and Analysis of Algorithms CSC 3170 Introduction to Database Systems CSC 3180 Principles of Programming Languages CSC 3210 Principles of Multiagent Systems CSC 3230 Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence CSC 3250 Computer and Society CSC 3260 Principles of Computer Graphics CSC 3280 Introduction to Multimedia Systems CSC 3420 Computer System Architectures CSC 3430 Microprocessor Systems CSC 3480 Digital Systems Design CSC 3530 Software Technology CSC 3550 Introduction to Computer Graphics CSC 3640 Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science CSC 4010/4020 Final Project I/II CSC 4160 Distributed and Parallel Computing CSC 4260 Current Topics in Computing Techniques CSC 4430 Data Communication and Computer Networks CSC 4510 Programming Languages and Compilers CSC 4640 Computer Structures CSC 5110 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering CSC 5120 Advanced Topics in Database Systems CSC 5130 Theory of Programming Languages CSC 5140 Advanced Topics in Operating Systems CSC 5150 Learning Theory and Computational Finance CSC 5160 Topics in Algorithms CSC 5170 Theory of Computation Complexity
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