
CodeCourse OfferingFTEC4002
TitleLong Course TitleBehavioral Analytics定量行為分析
OverviewLong Description ehavioral analytics is a recent advancement that reveals customer behaviors. In this course, we will focus on (i) how to use optimization techniques to design survey questions and to collect data that are relevant to customer behaviors, (ii) theories of customer behaviors, especially those under risk, (iii) how to use data mining techniques to reveal customer behaviors, and (iv) psychological biases in customer behaviors and their impact on financial and business decisions.定量行為分析是一門通過定量方法刻劃顧客行為的新興學科。 本課程將重點講述(i)如何使用優化技術來設計調查問卷並收集與顧客行為的相關數據,(ii)建立顧客的行為理論,特別是他們面臨風險選擇下的行為, (iii)如何使用數據挖掘技術來刻劃顧客行為,以及(iv)顧客行為中顯現的心理偏差及其對金融和商業決策的影響。