《校長報告書》 1978–82
院際合著 Co-authored Publications (Inter-faculty) 223 陳嘉年、鄭宇碩、翁松燃:《四人幫後的中國——中國在四人幫後的企業經營與管理》,香港:七十年代出版社,1981。 224 Faure, David 、陸鴻基:《向東村杜氏地契簡介》,《香港中文大學中國文化研究所學報》, 1980。 225 Faure, David 、陸鴻基、吳倫霓霞:《香港碑銘彙編》,香港歷史博物館, 1979。 226 Chan, Yau-wa; (Lui, H.C. ; Wong, S.L. Ling); and Yew, David T.W. "Low dose laser and the developing retina—A histo- chemical and scanning electron microscopic study." Acta Morphologica Neerlando-Scandina-vica, 20 (1982), pp. 57-63. 227 Chan, Yau-wa; (Wong, C.L .); and Yew, David T.W. "Changes of laser irradiated retina in the first 24 hours after irradia- tion." Acta Anatomica, 103 (1979), pp. 301-304. 228 Chan, Yau-wa; (Wong, S.L . Ling); and Yew, David T.W. "The stimulating effect of the low dose laser—A new hypotheses." Acta Anatomica, 112 (1982), pp. 131-136. 229 Chan, Yau-wa and Yew, David T.W. "Ultrastructural study of lens fiber damages after laser irradiation ." Radiation and Environmental Biophysics, 15 (1978 ), pp. 297-302. 230 (Chau, C.W.; Lam, S .); Tsang, David S.C.; and Yew, David T.W. "Biochemical and histological study on the degeneration of the retina after optic nerve ligation." In Proceedingsof Hong Kong Society ofNeurosciences , 4 (1982). 231 Cheung, Wilkin W.K.; Kong, King-leung; and (Wong, CM.). "Comparative studies of the pectral sensitivity of grasshoppers." In Abstracts of the Annual Conference of the Hong Kong Society of Neurosciences, 2 (1980). 232 Chew, Eng-ching; (Kwan, S.M.; Lam , O.W .); and Ooi, Vincent E.G. "A scanning electron microscopic study on the initial invasion of Erhlich ascites tumour cells in the peritoneal layer." In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, pp. 228-229. 1982. 233 Chew, Eng-ching and Ooi, Vincent E.G. "An electron microscopic study of kidney cells i n the lizard treated with mercuric chloride." In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the Electron Microscopy Society of America, pp. 60-61. 1982. 234 Choa, G.H.; Choy, Yuen-min; Fung, Kwok-pui; Lee, Cheuk-yu; (Leung, K.C.); Tsang, David S.C.; Tso, Wung-wai; and (Wen, H.L.). "Effect of electroacupuncture on behavioural responses and plasma levels of ACTH and TSH in naloxone-induced morphine withdrawal in rats." American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 2 (1980), pp. 167-169. 235 Choa, G.H.; Choy, Yuen-min; Fung, Kwok-pui; Lee, Cheuk-yu; (Leung, K.C.); Tsang, David S.C.; (Tsang, Y.F .); Tso, Wung- wai; and (Wen, H.L.). "Effect of acupuncture with electrical stimulation (AES) on behavioural responses and plasma levels of ACTH and corticosterone in morphine-addicted rats precipitated by naloxone ." Acupuncture and Electro-Therapeutical Research International Journal, 4 (1979), pp. 203-207. 236 Choa, G.H.; Ho, Walter K.K.; (Ling, N .); Ma, Lin; and (Wen, H.L.). "The influence of electroacupuncture on naloxone- induced morphine withdrawal II. Elevation of immunoassayable betaendorphin activity in the brain but not the blood." American Journal of Chinese Medicine, 1 (1979). 237 Chou, Ying-hsiung and Hsieh, Jiann. "Public aspiration in the new year couplets: A comparative study between th e People's Republic and Taiwan." Asian Folklore Studies, 40:2 (1981). 238 Dent-Young, John and Jones, John F. "Small group teaching in South-east Asia." In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Higher Education (University of Lancaster). 1978.8. 239 Faure, David; Luk , Bernard H.K.; and Ng, Ngai-ha Lun. "Copying Hong Kong's historical inscriptions." Journal of the Hong Kong Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 19 (1979 ), pp. 192-195. 240 Fu, Gail Schaefer; Lee, Sik-yum; and Pierson, Herbert D. "An analysis of the relationship between language attitudes and English attainment of secondary student s in Hong Kong ." Language Learning, 30:2 (1980.12 ), pp. 280-316. 241 Fu, Gail Schaefer; Lee, Sik-yum ; and Pierson, Herbert D. "The student of linguistic attitudes and its relevance for the English teacher." New Horizons, 22 (1980.12), pp. 52-86. 硏究所及硏究中心 Research Institutes and Centres B u t , Paul P.H. 畢培曦 ——:《現代禾本科分類》,《廣東省植物學會1979年年會論文摘要滙編》,頁25 — 29,1980。 ——:《竹的藥用初探》,《中藥展覽特刊》,1982。 ——:《西洋參及人參國際市場動態》,《特產科學實驗》,3 ( 1982 ),頁55 — 61。 —— and (MacFarlane, T.D.). "Tovarochloa (Poaceae: Pooideae), a new genus from the high Andes of Peru." Brittonia, 34:4 (1982), pp. 478-481. ——: → 242, 247, 248, 249 & 250. Chan, Sin-wai 陳善偉 ——︰書評: Shirleen S. Wong 著:《龔自珍》,《香港中文大學學報》,5 : 1 ( 1979 ),頁446 —447。 ——:《龔自珍的佛敎思想》,《香港中文大學中國文化研究所學報》,10 : 2 ( 1979 ),頁347 — 362。 145
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