Calendar 2004–05
$ % & $ !%' ( & , - , & 2 : % " " & , ./ ' 0 GEL 1011 Leadership Skills Training I GEL 1012 Leadership Skills Training II GEL 1013 Leadership Skills Training III 0 GEL 2001 Policy Workshop I GEL 2002 Policy Workshop II 1 0 GEL 3101 Ethics and Politics: Ideas and Issues GEL 3102 Globalization and Multiculturalism GEL 3201 Art Appreciation and Aesthetic Experience I GEL 3202 Art Appreciation and Aesthetic Experience II . ' , + &, & " & ! & ' ) ' & " & 2 # $ & % & & / & # + !; ; , ' ) ' $ & % & < / + , + , + ,
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