Bulletin Number One 1982

and accommodation for lecturers and their spouses for the International Summer School on Physics on the topic o f Optical Electronics at the University. (27) From the Wing Lung Bank a donation o f HK$500 , 000 to establish the "Wu Jieh-Yee Endowment Fund" for the purpose o f promo ting research and training in the rehabilitation o f the disabled. (28) From the Li & Fung Group, an endowment fund o f HK$250,000 for setting up “ The L i & Fung Public Lectures on Commerce and Industry" under the auspices o f the MBA Programmes o f the University; the income from the fund w ill be used to bring one overseas speaker to Hong Kong each year. (29) From Mr. Liu Lit-mo, an annual donation o f HK$50,000 for three years for setting up the Liu Lit-mo Fund for The Chinese University o f Hong Kong - Robinson College Exchange Scheme. (30) From the following individual, companies and society donations in support o f the 1982 French Summer Programme in Besancon: (a) The Hong Kong Vice-Province o f the Society o f Jesus a donation o f HK$10,000. (b) Novel Enterprise Co. Ltd. a donation o f HK$5,000. (c) Orient Overseas Container Line Ltd. a donation o f HK$5,000. (d) Shui Hing Co. Ltd. a donation o f HK$ 1,000. (e) Madame Charles Masson a donation o f HK$3,000. (31) From the Social Welfare Department Lotteries Fund a grant o f HK$30,120 for the salary increase o f Part-time Fieldwork Instructors. (32) From the German Consulate General a grant o f HK$ 13,109.22 for subsidizing German Language Support Programme 1980/81. (33) From Dr. Hong-yen Hsu, a grant o f US$2,100 to the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre for supporting the traineeship o f Mr. Harry Peck for six months from May to October 1982. (34) From the United States International Com munication Agency a grant o f US$2,000 to cover the costs associated w ith the partici pation o f Professor Claudio Guillen in the "Second Conference on East-West Comparative Literature" held from 1st to 4th March, 1982. (35) From the Hong Kong Telephone Company Limited a grant o f HK$ 10,000 for the setting up o f a Work-Study Programme Endowment Fund for the Department o f Electronics. (36) From the Imperial Jewellery Co. Ltd. a donation o f HK$10,000 for the Three-year MBA Programme. (37) From The Hong Kong College o f General Practitioners a donation o f HK$6,000 to cover the attachment fees payable by Dr. Wong Koon and Dr. Marilyn Oakes Yu o f the University's Department o f Community Medicine to the University o f Glasgow during their forthcoming clinical attachments to its Department of General Practice. (38) From the IBM World Trade Corporation (H.K.) a grant o f HK$5,000 for the 1982 Summer School on Opto-Electronics. (39) From the Yale-China Association , a grant o f HK$4 , 000 in support o f the visit o f Professor Qi Gong, Professor o f Chinese at Beijing Normal University. (40) From the Rotary Club o f New Territories a grant o f HK$2,000 for supporting the con ference on "Hong Kong History and Society in Change" held on 10th to 12th December, 1981. (41) From Mr. Alan R.J. Ho, Part-time Lecturer in Marketing & International Business, a dona tion o f HK$ 1,200 per month from September, 1981 to June, 1982 to the Department o f Marketing & International Business. (42) From the Lions Club o f Victoria, Hong Kong, a donation to cover the costs o f a model and four location maps o f the University, to be displayed at the University. 31