Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1979
relations have stepped into a totally new phase of friendship and mutual assistance, ‘We therefore deem it significant to convene an international symposium with the aim of making a retrospect on Sino- Japanese cultural interchange which have lasted for nearly two thousand years, and reassessing the various results achieved by the two prominent peoples through their long and incessant course of cultural interchange.' Eight sessions were held at the Symposium and forty papers were delivered. 1. Historical Background Chairman: Professor HIBINO Takeo (Otemon- gakuin University) Papers: Professor O K A Z A K I Takashi, "The Han Chinese Culture and Japan" Professor E S A K A Teruya, "The Cultural Exchanges among China, Japan and Korea from the Archaeological Viewpoint" Professor NISHIOKA Hideo, “The Formation of the Japanese People and the Role Played by Chinese Immigrants in the Founding of Japan" Dr. W A N G Sung-hsing, “A Comparison of the Chinese and Japanese Family Systems" 2. Artistic Interchange Chairman: Mr. James C. Y. W A T T (CUHK) Papers: Ms. Joan S T A N L E Y - B A K E R , "The Obaku Connection: One Source of Potential Chinese Influence on Early Tokugawa Painting (1660s-1800s)" Professor James CAHILL, "Phases and Modes in the Transmission of Painting Styles from Ming-Ch'ing to Edo Japan" Professor Ralph CROIZIER , "Reverse Current: Japanese Influences on the Cantonese School of ‘New National Painting'“ Dr. 0. R. IMPEY, "T'ien Chi Porcelain and Shoki-imari" Professor Kei SUZUKI, "Appreciation of Chinese Painting by Japanese" 3, Intellectual Interchange Chairman: Professor IJICHI Yoshitsugu (Osaka University of Foreign Studies) Papers: Professor Harry H A R O O T U N I A N , “ 'Chugoku o Shim tame ni': The Modern Japanese Discour on China and Asia" Professor B A E Jong-Ho, "Studies on the Thoughts of Chu Tzu in Japan and Korea" Dr. William S. A T W E L L , "From Past to Present: Some C o m m on Themes in the Statecraft Scholarship of Ch'en Tzu-lung (1608-47) and Ogyu Sorai (1666-1728)" Professor O B A Osamu, "Shogun Yoshimune and Chinese Culture" Professor H O N G Soon-Chang, "The Opinions of Some Leading Japanese Orientalists on Chinese Culture" 4. Historical Interaction Chairman: Professor Marius B. J A N S EN(Princ Papers: Professor S A K U M A Shigeo, "The SinoJapanese Relations and the Activities of Japanese Pirates in the Ming Dynasty" Mrs. Elizabeth P E Y R A U B E, "An Attempt of Dissidence in Official Sino-Japanese Relations The Pirate Wang Zhi 王直(?- 1559 )" Mr. M A T S U U R A Akira, "Chinese Maritime Trade with Nagasaki after the Promulgation of the Sh5toku New Regulations" Dr. Douglas R. R E Y N O L D S, "Prelude to Imperia Japanese Research and Trade in Late Ch'ing China" Professor SHIN Seung-Ha, "Relations of the ‘Open Door Policy' of Korea with China and
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