Bulletin Number One 1984
Dr. Irene Hau-Siu CHOW Mr. CHUNG Choi-man Dr. Frank Hookin F U Dr. Yer Van H U I Business Administration degree in 1980. Thereafter, she participated in the Governor's internship pro gramme as a Budget Analyst in the Office of Planning and Budget, State of Georgia, for one quarter. She was accepted into the PhD programme of Georgia State University in Winter 1981 , majoring in organi zational behaviour and minoring in Business Policy. She earned her PhD in 1983. Dr. Chow was a graduate research assistant for the academic year 1980-81 and was a research fellow for the following two years at Georgia State Univer sity, where she twice received the James E. Chapman Fellowship. She was nominated as student representa tive to attend the OB, OD, OT doctoral consortium sponsored by The Organizational Behaviour, Organi zation Development, and Organization Management Theory Division of The Academy of Management held in Summer 1982 in New York City. Dr. Chow joined the General Business Manage ment and Personnel Management Department of this University in 1983, teaching courses mainly in the field o f personnel management, organizational behaviour and compensation management. Mr. CHUNG Choi-man Lec tu re r , Schoo l o f Educ a t i on Mr. Chung Choi-man was born in Calcutta and educated in Hong Kong. Upon his graduation from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1969, he was appointed a chemistry demonstrator by his alma mater. He joined the Diocesan Boys' School in September 1970. He became the Panel Chairman for Integrated Science in 1974, and was promoted Senior Graduate Master in 1976 after he obtained the Diploma in Education from The Chinese University. In 1981, Mr. Chung obtained the MA(Ed) degree from The Chinese University, and was appointed a part-time Lecturer of the School of Education, CUHK, teaching 'Computer Applications in Education', and a research investigator of the School's project on 'Physical Activities and Quality o f Life in the Densely Populated Areas'. In August 1983 , Mr. Chung joined the School of Education, CUHK as full-time Lecturer of Subject Curriculum Teaching in Chemistry, Integrated Science, and Computer Studies. He is also teaching Research Methodology in the MA(Ed) course. His interest was in the curriculum development. He had been a subject committee member of the Curriculum Development Committee (CDC) in Chemistry, Integrated Science and the ETV Pro gramme Committee in Science. His current interests are vocational guidance, computer-assisted learning and curriculum development. He was the co-author of Inductive Chemistry Hong Kong: H.E.B., 1978 & 1983. Dr. Frank Hookin FU D e p u t y D i r e c t o r o f Physi cal Educ a t i on Dr. Fu graduated in 1971 from Dartmouth College, with majors in geology and pre-medicine. He received his Master of Science and Doctor of Physical Educa tion degrees from Springfield College in 1973 and 1975. Dr. Fu was Director of Testing and Appraisal and Cardiac Rehabilitation of the Ottawa YM-YWCA from 1975-77. He joined the Faculty of Kinanthro pology at the University of Ottawa in 1977-78 before moving back to Springfield College as the Director of International Centre and Assistant Professor of Physical Education. Dr. Fu was given tenure by Springfield College, before returning to Hong Kong to join this University in 1983. Dr. Fu's specialization is in Comparative Physical Education and Sports, International Relations, and Exercise Physiology, and has given numerous workshops and papers worldwide. Dr. Yer Van HU I Lect ur er , De p a r tmen t o f Statistics Dr. Yer Van Hui received a BSc degree in Mathematics (1972) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He went to Texas Technological University and obtained an MS degree in Industrial Engineering in 1976. He was awarded a PhD degree in Statistics 16 PROFILES
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