Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 2 Nov 1972
In student affairs, although The Chinese University Student Union has been organized barely a year or so it has already secured excellent cooperation with the student unions of the three Colleges. The University Student Union has adopted its own anthem and run its student newspaper. This year it organized for the first time the orientation programme for all new students. Thus the University Student Union has good progress in promoting the Universit y spirit and assisting in the process of pooling resources. Another significant development is th e completion of the University Science Centre . This enables all the natural science departments of the three Colleges and the Graduate School (including Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Biochemistry an d Electronics) to maintain offices and carry o n research and laboratory work together. Administratively, the Science Centre is run by a committee composed of faculty members of the various departments. Already some of the students are attending classes in the Centre; in the near future, when work on the lecture hall complex is completed, all intercollegiate natural science course s will be taught under one roof. By that time the three elements — research, administration and instruction — will have been merged, symbolizing another milestone in the process of pooling resources. A word on the future, all that has been said above represents only the changes observabl e today. The present is vastly different from the modest beginning of nine years ago; by the same token we can expect to see the same degree of change nine years from now. What will be the major directions of change? For one thing, a major emphasis of The Chinese University will continue to be placed on Chinese Studies. With the adoption of new methodology, we hope that the Studies can be developed in bot h a deepening and widening fashion. When it comes to student enrolment, we have decided to adopt a new plan beginning with the academic year 1973 under whic h freshman students will be distributed among the Faculties of Arts, Science and Commerce and Social Science, and not assigned to any departments. I n other words, they will 詞答致上會宴業畢在君堂焕莊表代生業畢 Mr. Chong Woon-tong speaking on behalf of the graduates — 4 —
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