Calendar 2010–11
106 Part 3 • Academic Units and University Extensions Part 3 Department of Marketing Chairman: Prof. Jamie Jia 2609 7809 6 2603 5473 8 Postgraduate Programmes Master of Philosophy–Doctor of Philosophy Programme in Marketing Master of Science Programme in Marketing Faculty of Education Dean: Prof. Leslie N.K. Lo 2609 6937 6 2603 6129 8 The Faculty of Education has a matrix organization, with a Faculty Office having overall responsibility for all undergraduate, higher degree, and postgraduate diploma programmes, and an Office of Postgraduate Programmes in Education responsible for higher degree programmes. There are four departments and one unit within the Faculty, namely, Curriculum and Instruction, Educational Administration and Policy, Educational Psychology, Sports Science and Physical Education, and Physical Education Unit. A number of integrated programmes are contributed by two or more departments and managed by Faculty Office and Office of Postgraduate Programmes in Education, whereas, some programmes are directly under the departments. A number of self-financed programmes are also introduced by the Faculty in collaborationwith the HongKong Institute of Educational Research for in-services teachers. Undergraduate Programmes Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Chinese Language Education Co-termainal Double Degree Programme Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) and Bachelor of Education (English Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme Bachelor of Education Programme in Liberal Studies Part-time Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) Programme Postgraduate Programmes Doctor of Education Programme Doctor of Philosophy Programme in Education Master of Arts Programme in Curriculum Development and Teaching of Liberal Studies Master of Arts Programme in Early Childhood Education Master of Arts Programme in Parent Education n ' * • • ' * • • • • • • • • •
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