Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 4 Dec 1973
Departmental Club, New Asia College. • The Goethe Institute, Hong Kong, and the Music Department, Chung Chi College, cosponsored a lecture entitled "Notation and Interpretation of New Music" on 22nd November given by Mr. Peter M. Braun, a German composer. • Dr. Avtar S. Kahlon, Professor of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology and Dean of the Graduate School of Punjab Agricultural University, India, gave a lecture on " The Green Revolution and Its Implication for Socio-economic Change" on 28th November at the joint invitation of the Beaver Exchange Programme and the Economics Department, New Asia College. COMI NGS & GOINGS • Visitors to the University include Prof. Giuseppe Cilento, Department of Biochemistry, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil; Dr. A.D. Henderson of the Center for Research and Development in Higher Education, University of California, Berkeley, and Mrs. Henderson; Dr. Philip C. Horton, Director, Murrow Center of Public Diplomacy, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, U.S.A.; Mr. E.A. Jones of the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas; Mr. R.J. Irvine, Warden of Hong Kong Students Centre, London; Mr. Ivan Izenberg, Public Affairs Officer, U.S.l.S., and Mr. Mervin E. Haworth, Cultural Affairs Officer of the American Consulate ; Prof. C.H. Li, Director of Hormone Research Laboratory, and Professor of Biochemistry and Experimental Endocrinology, University of California, and Mrs. L i; Prof. Liu Mau-Tsai, Director of the Institute of Chinese Language and Culture, University of Hamburg, and Mrs. Liu; Prof. H. Ogihara, Head of the Burma Research Commission, Japan, accompanied by members, Prof. T. Ohno and Mr. S. Yabu; Mr. E.J.R. Vowles, Senior Administrativ e Officer in the Secretariat and Studen t Affairs Division of Griffith University, Australia; and Dr. Arthur N. Young, Chairman of th e Board of Advisers, Friends of Soochow. • Miss Elizabeth Rowe and Mrs. Margaret F. Adams of the Education Department, Hong Kong visited the United College on 8th November. • Dr. Lu Hui Ching, Dean of Students, Chun g Chi College, Mr. Yu Wan Man, Hostel Director, New Asia College, Mr. Andrew Y.Y. Chan, Dean of Students, United College, an d Mr. William H.C. Wan, Assistant University Secretary (Student Affairs), attended the ASA I HL (Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning) Seminar on Extra-Curricular Activities of University Students held at the University of Malaya and visited universities in Southeast Asia from 5th to 15thNovember. • Dr. Chingho A. Chen, Director of East Asian Studies Centre, was away from 15th to 22nd November to attend the 13th General Meeting of the Japanese Society of Southeast Asian History. • Prof. Ma Lin, Professor of Biochemistry, represented the University at the Macy Conference on "The Teaching of Basic Medical Sciences" held at Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A. from 18th November to 8th December. Prof. Ma also visited several health centres in the States. • Dr. John L. Espy, Associate Director of the Lingnan Institute o f Business Administration, and Dr. Mun Kin-chok, Head of the Department of Business Administration, New Asia College, attended the 1973 Conference o f Asian Business Schools in Jakarta from 29th November to 1st December. Dr. Mun presented a paper on "The Impact of Government Investments and Decisions on Private Companies". COLLEGE NEWS • The Fine Arts Department of New Asia College sponsored a Student/Staff Art Exhibition at the Exhibition Gallery of the City Hall from 1st to 5th November. • Mr. Chang Chien-min, Head of the Department of Business Administration, United College, represented the University at the Joint ILO/ NORAD National Industrial Relations Seminar (2nd series), held on 21st and 22nd November in Hong Kong. • Mrs. Chow Lam Lin Sen, Lecturer in Chinese at Chung Chi College, was awarded a Ph.D. degree by the University of Hong Kong. • The following members of New Asia College have been awarded the Yale-in-China Overseas Scholarships for 1974/75: Mr. Stephen Lung-wai Tang, Demonstrator in Sociology, and Miss Ng Big- wan, 4th-year student of the Fine Arts Department. • The three Colleges held their annual athletic meet in November and December: Chung Chi College's 17th Field & Track Meet on 30th November and 1st December, New Asia's 10th Track & Field Meet on 24th November and United College's 7th Annual Athletic Meet o n 3rd and 7th November. — 8 —
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