Bulletin Spring 1988
professional examinations will continue to be under the supervision of existing curriculum and examinations committees. Furthermore, a Faculty Staff Selection and Review Committee will be constituted on an ad hoc basis to conduct staff review for appointment and substantiation, and will replace the staffing committees under individual boards of studies. University Members Serve on Outside Committees (1) The following members of the University have been appointed by His Excellency the Governor to serve on various boards/committees: * Dr. Ng Lee-Ming, Reader in Religion, and Mr. T.L . Tsim, Director of the University Press, as members of the Planning Committee for the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong for a term of one year effective 1st January, 1988. Dr. Ng is an ex-officio member representing the University and Mr. Tsim is a local lay member, appointed ad personam. * Professor Stuart P. Donnan, Professor of Community Medicine, as a member of the Pneumoconiosis Fund Board for the period from 1st January, 1988 to 31st December, 1989. * Professor S.T. Chang, Professor of Biology, as a member of the Marketing Advisory Board for a term of one year with effect from 1st January, 1988. * Professor Arthur K.C. Li, Professor of Surgery, as a member of the Committee on Science and Technology for the period until 31st March, 1990. * Dr. Stephen L.W. Tang, Lecturer in Sociology, has been reappointed as a member of the Transport Advisory Committee from 1st April, 1988 to 31st March, 1989. (2) Dr. Joseph C.K. Pang, Lecturer in Medicine, has been nominated to represent the University on the Pneumoconiosis Compensation Fund Board Research Committee. Advisory Board on Accounting Studies The following persons have accepted the Vice- Chancellor's invitation to serve on the Advisory Board on Accounting Studies for a term of two years ending 28th February, 1990. Mr. David W. Gairns, Partner of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Company, to serve as Chairman, succeeding Sir Sidney Gordon who had chaired this Board since its inception six years ago until his retirement on 29th February, 1988. The other three new members include Mr. Allan Aw, Tax Partner, Arthur Andersen and Company; Mr. Dominic Kwong, Partner, Price Waterhouse; and Professor Chung Yu-to (ex-officio), Emeritus Professor, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Advisory Committee on Electronics The following persons have accepted the Vice- Chancellor's invitation to serve as members of the Advisory Committee on Electronics for a term until 31st December, 1989 : Ms. L i l y Chiang, Director of Cheng Hsong Machinery Co. Ltd. Mr. S.W. Man, Manager of Engineering Training, the Hong Kong Telephone Co. Ltd. Mr. H.J. Klopstra, General Manager of Professional Division, Philips HK Ltd. Dr. C.C. Chang, Managing Director of Varitronix Ltd. Mr. Herbert W.C. Wong, Assistant General Manager of W. Haking Industries Ltd. Mr. Jack Lee, Managing Director, Hewlett- Packard HK Ltd. Donation for an Interuniversity Hall The University has received a donation of HK$4.3 million from the Chan Kwan Tung Charitable Fund Ltd. for the construction of a new interuniversity in the University. The new hall, to be built on the eastern tip of the campus adjacent to the existing Yali Guest House, will be a three to four-storey structure with about 48 guest rooms providing short-term accommodation and board facilities for visiting scholars, researchers and guests of the University. The new building is expected to be completed in early 1990. At a brief ceremony which took place in the University on 1st March, Mr. Chak Fu Chan, Mr. William C.Y. Chan and Ms. W.Y. Chan of the Charitable Fund Ltd. presented a cheque to the Vice- Chancellor, Professor Charles K. Kao. Mr. William C.Y. Chan also donated a collection of furniture and display items to the University for the new hall. CUHK to Accommodate the Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research The University Council has given its approval to accommodate the Hong Kong Centre for Economic Research at the University. The temporary office of the Centre is located in Room 234 of Fung King Hey Building. The Centre is a privately funded, non-profit, educational, and research institution incorporated as a charitable trust under the laws of Hong Kong. Its aim is to support public policy research and to promote educational activities that enhance public understanding of economic affairs. Dr. Wong Yue-chim, Senior Lecturer in Economics, has been appointed Honorary Director of the Centre. 16
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