Annual Report 2008–09
46 工程學院 Faculty of Engineering 使用壓電元件收集振動能量 Energy Harvesting from Vibration Using Piezoelectric Materials 機械與自動化工程學系廖維新教授及其學生,深入研究如何使用壓電元件收集日常環 境中的振動能量,使之得到再生和利用。壓電能量發電器能夠把機械振動的能量轉化 為電能,向無線傳感器網絡及移動設備供電。這種自給自足的系統無需電池供電,而是 回收並利用日常生活中常被忽視和浪費的機械振動能量,因而更合符環保原則。廖教 授的團隊設計及改良了壓電能量發電器,又探討了儲能器件電壓與壓電能量收集電路 效率的關係,更設計出一種自供電開關界面電路,使收集效率比現有採用的電路提升 百分之五十。 Prof. Liao Wei-hsin and his students of the Department of Mechanical and Automa- tion Engineering investigated energy harvested from vibration using piezoelectric materials as an alternative to renewable energy. Piezoelectric power generators were used to transform the mechanical energy from vibration into electrical energy, which could replace batteries to supply power to wireless sensor networks and mobile devices. The self-powered systems will be more environmentally friendly since they are using otherwise wasted mechanical energy from the vibration sources. Power generators using piezoelectric materials have been designed and evaluated. Professor Liao and his team also studied the efficiencies of piezoelectric energy harvesting circuits towards different energy storage device voltages, and designed an improved self-powered switching interface for piezoelectric energy harvesting circuits which can increase the energy harvested by 50%. 「有效司法覆核--良好管治的基石」國際會議 ‘Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance’ 中大法律學院和劍橋大學公法研究中心於二零零八年十二月舉辦大型創新學術會議, 吸引世界各地的傑出講者出席,他們分別來自香港、澳洲、加拿大、中國內地、印度、以 色列、新西蘭、南非、南美洲、英國和美國。會議題目是「有效司法覆核-良好管治的 基石」,司法覆核近來成為法律執業者和公眾關注的焦點,而是次極具創意的學術會 議為這一富爭議性的法律問題提供了嶄新答案。 In December 2008 the CUHK Faculty of Law and the Centre for Public Law of the University of Cambridge jointly hosted a ground-breaking conference on judicial review, which attracted an outstanding array of speakers from Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, mainland China, India, Israel, New Zealand, South Africa, South America, the UK and the US. The Conference, the first of its kind to be held in Hong Kong, was entitled ‘Effective Judicial Review: A Cornerstone of Good Governance’. It offered cutting-edge solutions to controversial areas of judicial review that have been the centre of impassioned professional and public debate. 藥物吉非替尼對肺癌的療效 Gefitinib in Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma 基因分子學的新發現為治療非小細胞肺癌帶來突破。 腫瘤學系莫樹錦教授領導的IPASS研究,將表皮生長因子受體酪氨酸激酶抑制劑「吉 非替尼」,與傳統化療比較。該項研究為期逾兩年,對象是一千二百一十七名來自亞洲 九個地區的病人。結果發現相對傳統化療藥物,「吉非替尼」對出現表皮生長因子受 體基因突變肺癌病人,尤其是在更容易出現基因突變的非吸煙的腺性肺癌病人身上, 產生重大療效,且較化療優勝,可作為第一線療法。研究的初步成果,於二零零八年十 月在斯德哥爾摩舉行的歐洲內科腫瘤學會討論會上發表,並於二零零九的醫學權威 雜誌《新英倫醫學雜誌》刊登。 A team led by Prof. Tony Mok of the Department of Clinical Oncology designed the IPASS study, which compared the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor Gefitinib with standard chemotherapy. The study was conducted over two years, and involved 1,217 patients from nine Asian countries. They confirmed the role of Gefitinib as first line therapy for lung cancer patients who harbour the EGFR mutation, and the predictive value of EGFR mutation as the most potent biomarker for the management of lung cancer. The study’s initial findings were presented at the plenary session of the European Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting in Stockholm in October 2008 and published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2009. 法律學院 Faculty of Law 醫學院 Faculty of Medicine
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