Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1991
Publications by students of the department Extracurricula Activities: Students of the department not only participate enthusiastically in various college and university functions such as singing contests and athletic meets, they also actively promote academic and recreational activities within the department itself. An annual event, the ‘Communication Biweekly', is held to display the work of the students and to enhance cooperation and interaction among teachers and students. Professionals are also regularly invited to give talks to the students. Achievements over 25 Years: Over the past 25 years the department has produced a total of 492 graduates. Whil e some have continued to pursue further studies leading to academic careers, others have taken up diverse occupations such as reporters, journalists, editors, copywriters, advertising executives and researchers, programmers in the broadcasting business, or public relations personnel i n the civil service and the private sector. Many are now serving i n senior positions in leading media such as Television Broadcast Ltd., Asian Television Ltd., Radio-Television Hong Kong , Commercial Radio, South China Morning Post, Hong Kong Standard, and important advertising agencies like Leo Burnett Ltd., Ogilv y and Mather (HK) Ltd., and J. Walter Thompson Co. Ltd. A l l of them are contributing in their different capacities to the development of communication industries in Hong Kong. • A Series of Ac t i v i t i es t o Celebrate the 25th Ann i ve r sa ry Public Lectures * Topic: The Hong Kong Economic Journal: Its Ideals and Realization Date: 28th November 1990 Speaker: Ms. Sally Lok, Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Hong Kong Economic Journal Place: Humanities Building, New Asia College * Topic: Responsibilities of a Public Broadcasting Station Date: 19th April 1991 Speaker: Miss Man-Yee Cheung, Director of Broadcasting, Hong Kong Government Place: Humanities Building , New Asia College Dr. Leonard Chu (left) presenting a souvenir to Miss Man-Yee Cheung (right) Student Activities * Exhibition of News Photography ‘Urban Agonies and Ecstasies of a Great Era’ Date: 26th March - 4th April 1991 Place: Sir Run Run Shaw Hall, CUHK Participants: South China Morning Post, Wah Kiu Yat Po Hong Kong Times Hong Kong Daily News * Departmental Singing Competitio & Variety Show ‘Journalism N i t e ' in Ma r ch 1991 Silver Jubilee of Department of Journalism & Communication 22
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