Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2000
specially designed to provide high quality and comprehensive community-based care for elderly persons with dementia. Top level professional care is provided by the team of specialists statione d at the centre. Academic Exchanges Microbiology Summer Course for Mainland Fellows Young f e l l ow s s p e c i a l i z i ng in microbiology from different institutions and hospitals in mainland Chin a were selected to participate in the Summer Course 2000 in Microbiology, organized by the Department of Microbiology from 8th to 20th June 2000 at the Prince of Wales Hospital. The course not only provided a chance for the participants to update their laboratory skills and techniques, but also c o n s o l i d a t e d r e s e a r ch c o l l a b o r a t i o n between the University an d institutions on the mainland. Visitors from Shantou Medical School Twenty student s and five teachers from Shantou Medical School visited the Department of Anatomical and Cellular Pathology from 5th to 15th August 2000 u n d e r t he d e p a r t me n t ' s e x c h a n ge agreement with Shantou Medical School. The students attended classes, tutorials, and practicals wit h their counterparts a t CUHK. The visit was partially supporte d by the Li Ka Shing Foundation . Annual Conference for Chinese Medical Educationists Over 120 medical educationists from 31 organizations in mainland China, Taiwan, a nd Ho n g Kong a t t e nd e d the f o u r t h Medical Education Conference for China Mainland, Taiwan and the Hon g Kong Region held from 17th to 21st September 2000 in Kunming. The e v e n t wa s o r g a n i z ed b y t he Peking University Health Science Centre a nd Ku nm i ng Med i c a l College, a nd sponsored by the China Medical Board of N ew York. The d e l e g a t i on f r o m t he CUHK Faculty of Medicine was led by Prof. Sydney S.C. Chung. The focus of discussion at the conferenc e wa s the training of family doctors and medical ethics education. The next conference will be organized by CUHK in Hong Kong in Novembe r 2001. News in Brief
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