Bulletin Number One 1982
Gifts to the University As a manifestation o f their confidence in this Univer sity's development, local and overseas individuals and foundations have donated generously to support the University's physical development programme, research projects, publication projects, fellowship and scholarship schemes, etc. The University received the following gifts and donations in the first half o f the year 1982. Physical Development Programme (1) From Sir Run Run Shaw a second donation o f HK$2 m illion for the construction cost o f the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall and any remaining sum after completion o f the project, including HK$450,000, being bank interests accrued on his donations o f HK$4 m illion, for the pro motion o f cultural and educational activities w ithin the Hall. Equipment (2) From the Chan Chun Ha Charitable Trust a grant o f HK$ 1,384,553 for the purchase o f an Electron Microscope System. Research Projects (3) From the following individuals, association and foundation donations in support o f the research on Chinese medicines: (a) M r . 關啟明 a donation o f HK$1,500,000. (b) Sir Run Run Shaw a donation o f HK$200,000. (c) Mr. T.Y. Pong a donation o f HK$ 100 , 000. (d) The D.H. Chen Foundation a donation o f HK$50,000. (e) Mr. Ho Wing Kwong a donation o f HK$5,000. (f) Mr. Lam Kin Ming a donation o f HK$5,000. (g) New Zealand Deer Farmers' Association a grant ofHK$5,000. (h) M r . 徐昭鈺 ,a donation o f HK$2,000. (4) From the Cancer Research Campaign a grant o f HK$330,000 in support o f a project o f nucleoside transport in animal cells by Dr. James D. Young, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry. (5) From the World Health Organization a grant o f US$55,000 for the project entitled “ A multi centre collaborative approach for the isolation o f fertility-regulating agents from plants". (6) From the Korea Ginseng Centre, Hong Kong, a research grant o f HK$200,000 to Dr. H.W. Yeung o f the Department o f Biochemistry to develop a chemical method for identifying the total ginsenosides in various ginseng pre parations. (7) From Dr. J.S. Lee a donation o f HK$60,000, being the salary for one Associate Fellow for Professor Jao Tsung-i's Chinese Paleography Project. (8) From Mr. Christopher Mok a grant o f HK$46,000 in support o f a research project on Calligraphy and Painting on Fans in the collection o f the donor. (9) From the Lotus Tours Limited a donation o f HK$33 , 900 towards the University's Research Fund. (10) From the World Health Foundation (H.K.), two research grants to the following staff members o f the Department o f Biochemistry: (a) HK$20,000 to Dr. K.P. Fung and Dr. Y.M. Choy; and (b) HK$5,700 to Dr. Walter K.K. Ho. (11) From the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthro pological Research a grant o f US$3,680 to Dr. Jiann Hsieh, Lecturer in Anthropology, to carry out a field research on directed socio- cultural change among Samei in Yunnan, People's Republic o f China. (12) From Mr. Kong Wing On, a grant o f HK$ 18,000 in support o f medical research by Professor P.C. Leung, Professor o f Orthopaedic & Traumatic Surgery, Faculty o f Medicine. Fellowships & Scholarships (13) From Mrs. Tang Ho Kit-ching a donation o f HK$300,000 to set up a 'Tang Shiu-cho Memorial Scholarship Fund' to provide a scholarship for a first-year pre-clinical student 29
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