Bulletin Number One 1982
Edward Tang Wai-kong, Statistician, Census and Statistics Department Mr. Tang read Economics and Finance at the University and began his research career in the private sector, where he was a Market Research Officer o f HK-TVB for a couple o f years. He then moved on to the Civil Service where, as a Statistician, he finds the dimension o f the work involved and the high degree o f responsibility to be the two main factors for his satisfaction w ith the job. A few facts may perhaps be deduced from the cases quoted above, not the least significant being that a university graduate's career development need not be confined to the area in which he was academi cally trained. We have seen successful instances o f humanities graduates going into shipping and a social science graduate establishing himself in the finance field. These examples, by no means rare among our graduates, help to endorse the value o f the broad- based education they received at the University, where vocationally-oriented disciplines are still in the m inority and where the stress has always been on equipping students w ith knowledge and skills to deal effectively w ith challenges and opportunities in the working life. Adaptability is decidedly a key factor behind the achievement o f these graduates in the formative years o f their careers. This, together w ith ardent efforts in pursuing post-graduate training in their specialized fields, has brought them quite close to what may be called the upper echelon o f their professions in a relatively short period o f time. It is very much to be hoped that this taste o f the first fru it o f success w ill be an impetus for greater achieve ment to them, and more beneficial services to the community at large. The present tracer study, now in the initial stage o f data collection, w ill be completed by autumn 1982, when a fu ll report w ill be published. Academics and administrators o f the University have already indicated an interest in what is to be disclosed in the report, and it is anticipated that more surveys o f a similar nature and dimension w ill be conducted in the near future. - G. Chow News in Brief Introduction o f Major Programmes in Psychology and Statistics A t the third meeting o f the Senate held on 24th March, 1982, the Chairman, Dr. Ma Lin, announced that the long-awaited Major Programmes in Psychology and Statistics would be introduced in 1982-83. Accordingly, the former Psychology Section and Statistics Section w ill from now on be known as Department o f Psychology and Department o f Statistics respectively. UPGC Appointments His Excellency the Governor has appointed the following new members to the University and Poly technic Grants Committee: Sir Charles Stuart-Harries, C.B.E. (from 1st January, 1982 to 31st December, 1984) Mr. David Bethel (from 1st January, 1982 to 31st December, 1986) Dr. W.C. Winegard (from 1st January, 1982 to 31st December, 1986) Mr. Graham Cheng Chun-hsun (from 4th February, 1982 to 28th February, 1985) Dr. Andrew Chuang Siu-leung (from 4th February, 1982 to 28th February, 1985) The following members have been re-appointed: The Honourable D.K. Newbigging, J.P. (from 1st January, 1982 to 31st December, 1983) Mr. Andrew L i (from 1st May, 1982 to 30th April, 1985) Dr. C.J . Symons, C.B.E., J.P. (from 1st May, 1982 to 30th April, 1985) Three o f the new members, Dr. Winegard, Mr. Cheng and Dr. Chuang, visited the University on 26th March, 1982. Ad Hoc Group to Study Proposal for Convocation The University has set up an ad hoc group to study a proposal from the Federation o f Alumni 27
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