Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 5 Jan–Feb 1969
COUNCIL NEWS Dr. the Hon. Sir Cho-yiu Kwan, Chairman of the Council, was honoured with a Knighthood from Her Majesty the Queen on 1st January, 1969. Sir Cho-yiu went to London to receive the insignia of this award. The following members of the Senate have been elected to serve on the Council: Prof. Tang Chun-i — Ne w Asia College Mr. N.H. Young — United College GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY A sum of HK$25,000 has been donated by Shun Hing Electronic Trading Co., Ltd. for the establishment of the Mong Man Wai Scholarship Fund, which will be distributed in five years at HK$5,000 per year to assist the most needy students to complete their studies at the University's Lingnan Institute of Business Administration. A grant of HK$20,000 has been donated by Dow Chemical International Ltd. through its Aid- to-Education Programme to enable two graduates of the University to undertake postgraduate studies at the Lingnan Institute of Business Administration. The two scholarships of HK$5,000 each for an initial period of two years were awarded to Mr. Wan Ying-ming, a graduate o f Chung Chi College, and Mr. Lau Sui, a graduate o f New Asia College. Other gifts to the University include: ( 1) US$2,500 from The Reader's Digest being contribution towards the Chinese/English Dictionar y Project; ( 2) a relief gran t of HK$6,400 from the Hong Kong Association of University Women to nine final-year female students; ( 3) HK$6,000 from the B.Y. Lam Foundation for three scholarships to undergraduates of the University in Economics, Commerce or Business Administration; and ( 4) US$2,000 from the C.H. L i Foundation for the current calendar year. REVIEW OF EXAMINATION SYSTEM University Ad Hoc Committee on Review of Examination System A University Ad Hoc Committee on the Review of the Examination System was set up with the following members, nine of whom were elected from the Academic Boards of the Colleges: Chairman: The Vice-Chancellor Members: Dr. Morris I. Berkowitz (C.C.) Dr. Bertrand Yoth Chang (C.C.) Dr. A.R.B. Etherton (C.C.) Prof. S.C. Joseph Fu (U.C.) Mr. Lee Yim (U.C.) Prof. David H. Li (C.C.) Dr. Ma L in (U.C.) Mr. Pan Chung Kwei ( N . A .) Prof. Tang Chun-i (N . A .) Dr. Tschang Pi-kai (N . A .) Dr. Yang Shu-chia (U.C.) Dr. Yen Kwo-yung (N . A .) Secretary: Mr. H.T. Wu Prof. Hsu Bay-sung was invited by the Vice- Chancellor to assist in making an analysis of the reports for the Senate. Procedu re of the Review Discussions were first held at the College teaching departments, at which all members concerned, irrespective of their rank, took part. The students were also asked to hold discussions and to offer suggestions fo r revision. The reports of these discussions were submitted to College representatives, who in turn presented them to the Vice-Chancellor through their respective College Presidents. After thorough consideration of the various suggestions, the Ad Hoc Committee submitted its recommendations to the Senate. Senate Resolutions Section One: Language Tests and Intermediate Examination 1. Language Test ( 1) The Chinese and English Language examination shall be conducted on a college basis, and shall be known as the Language Test. In the Test there shall be one Chinese Language paper and one English Language paper. — 5 —
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