Bulletin Winter 1988

effect from 20th October, 1988 , succeeding Mr. J.A. Frost; (b) Miss Annie Tam as deputy secretary o f the UPGC w ith effect from 20th October, 1988 , succeeding Mr. L.F. Spark. A p p o in tm e n t o f L ife M em ber to the United College Boa rd o f Trustees . The United College Board o f Trustees decided to appoint Dr. the Hon. P.C. Woo, its former chair man and amember o f the United College Foundation Fund, as life member for his outstanding contribution and invaluable services to the United College as well as to The Chinese University o f Hong Kong. Dr. the Hon. P.C. Woo joined the United College Board o f Trustees in 1972 , and was soon elected chairman. He resigned from the board in 1983 on being appointed amember o f the University Council , in which he has served since then. Neverthe less, he continues to serve as amember o f the United College Foundation Fund. S ir R un R u n H o no ured Sir Run Run Shaw, chairman o f the Board of Trustees o f the United College and patron o f Shaw College, was awarded the honorary degree o f doctor o f science by the City Polytechnic o f Hong Kong on 8th December, 1988 , in recognition o f his outstanding contribution to tertiary education. This was the first honorary degree conferred by the City Polytechnic. University received donation o f books In a ceremony held in the University recently, Mr. Christer Jacobson , the Swedish Consul-General, presented to Professor Charles K. Kao, the Vice- Chancellor, a set o f twenty-five books on Nobel Prize awards, as a g ift to commemorate the Univer sity's 25th anniversary. The set o f books is a collection o f biographies o f all the Nobel Prize awardees during the period 1963 to 1988. The addresses given by the Nobel Prize laureates and the speeches made by the repre sentatives o f the Nobel Prize Foundation at the re spective presentation ceremonies are also included in these books. The Chinese University o f Hong Kong is the first local tertiary educational institution to receive such a donation. N ew A ud io -visua l F a cilities f o r Japanese Studies The University recently received a grant o f HK$278,789.70 from the Commemorative Associ ation for the Japan World Exposition (1970), in support o f the University's Japanese studies pro gramme. The grant was used to renovate and refurnish a recording room and to purchase necessary audio-visual equipment, books and video tapes related to the teaching o f the Japanese language. Mr. Yukio Satoh, the Japanese Consul-General, presented the grant to Professor Charles K. Kao, the Vice-Chancellor, at a brief ceremony held in the University. This Commemorative Association was estab lished in 1970 to mark the success o f the 1970 Osaka World Exhibition. The Association set up a com memorative fund w ith 16,000 m illion yen which supports international programmes concerning cul tural exchange, academic study and education, social education o f youth, public health and social welfare, nature conservation, and others. C ivil Service Careers E x h ib itio n 1988 The 1988 Civil Service Careers Exhibition, jo in tly organized by the civil service branch o f the Government secretariat and the appointments service o f the University, was held on 2nd and 3rd Novem­ ber in the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Twenty-seven Government departments and units took part in the exhibition, which was opened by Mrs. Anson Chan, secretary for economic services; Mr. H.S. Grewal, secretary for the civil service, and Mr. Tony Fung, chairman o f the University appoint ments board, at a ceremony on 2nd November. Representatives from the participating depart ments and units were present to explain the wide range o f career opportunities in the civil service, which is one o f the major employers o f university graduates in Hong Kong. O b itu a ry * The University records w ith regret the passing away o f Sir David Trench, chancellor o f the Univer sity from 1964 to 1971 , on 3rd December, 1988 at the age o f seventy-three. * The University records w ith regret the passing away o f Professor Mou Jun-sen, former professor o f Chinese history at New Asia College, on 19th Novem ber, 1988 at the age o f eighty-one. Professor Mou, who retired in 1973, joined the New Asia College in 1954 as senior lecturer in Chinese history and was promoted to professor in 1964. * The University records w ith regret the passing away o f Mr. Lin Shou-chin, senior lecturer in history, on 14th November, 1988 at the age o f fifty-eight. Mr. Lin joined the University as lecturer in history in 1976 and was promoted to senior lecturer in 1979. 9