Annual Report 1999–2000
校長報告 1 0 VICE-CHANCELLOR' S REVIE W 百八十個。校方又重組資訊科技的管理架構,於資訊科技政 策委員會之下設敎學科研資訊科技委員會,全面規劃如何在 敎學過程中應用資訊科技。 另一方面,校內的敎學發展組於年初改組成為一個全校性的 服務單位,透過全年不斷的工作坊和朋輩的經驗分享,協 助敎師改良敎學,並強調優質敎學的重要。 而校長模範敎學獎亦於二零零零年五月首度頒發,公開嘉許 六名有卓越表現的敎師。優質敎學已成為中大文化不可分 割的一部分,並將於新世紀發揮重要作用,協助中大完善其 敎育事業。 交 流 網 絡 全 球 化 一九九九年十二月,我們的學術交流委員會仔細地檢討了大 學的學術交流活動,並擬定在新世紀的長期發展策略。新的 策略積極進取,目標是全面擴大交流網絡,與更多地區及 更多學府建立聯繫,並促進交流活動的多樣化。自二零零零 年初起,我們即與各地機構開展了一連串的磋商和互訪,以 探討建立夥伴關係的可行性,為彼此的科研合作以及學術 和文化交流打好基礎。預計未來中大的員生將會有更多機會 到世界各地的優秀學府和研究所交流學習,擴闊視野。 我們的另一項計劃,是參與國家的西部大開發,協助建設西 北省份的經濟。我們深信在開發過程中,大學可與眾多國 家級的科研學術機構合作,共同創造新知,極有利於中大員 生學術事業的發展。 資訊有賴科技得以高速傳播及更新,而世界各地的距離也因 而不斷縮短。中大身處這樣的一個地球村,實在有必要建 立全面而有效率的聯絡網,以隨時接收最新最尖端的學術資 訊,培養跨國跨文化的視野,並不斷把自己的成績與世界一 流的學術成果比較,追尋真正的卓越。 首屆校長模範教學獎得主親領獎項。左起︰Prof. DavidC. Ahlstrom、李子建敎授、劉紹強 敎授、李國章校長、梁承暉敎授、李偉基敎授、Prof. Giovanni B. Moneta。 The Vice-Chancellor (middle) with winners of the Vice-Chancellor 's Exemplary Teaching Awards 1999. From left: Prof. David C. Ahlstrom, Prof. John C.K. Lee, Prof. Soung-changLiew, Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, Prof. Leung Sing-fai, Prof. Li Wai-kee, and Prof. Giovanni B. Moneta G l o b a l i z a t i on o f E x c h a n ge N e t w o r k On the eve of the 21st century in December 1999, members of the Committee o n Academic Links put their heads together in a retreat, trying to devise long-term strategies for the University's academic exchange activities. What resulted was a proactive programme to expand the exchange network to cover more institutions in more countries, and to diversify existing links to produce a multifaceted exchange programme for staff and students. In the half yea r that followed, a series of dialogues began with potential partners, visits an d return visits took place, and much ground work was laid for the globalization of th e University's exchange network, paving the way for more collaborative research, joint academic ventures, and cultural interaction with centres of excellence worldwide. A larger number of staf and students are expected to benefit from greater international exposur e in the years to come. Another related venture was participation in th e all-out development of western China. The University is considering ways of contributin g to the economic growth in the region; it is also eager to make full use of the opportunities there to foster links
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