Bulletin Summer 1988

(38) From World Health Foundation (HK) Ltd. a donation of HK$ 14,755 for a research project undertaken by the Department of Chemical Pathology. (39) From World Health Organization a further donation of HK$234,150 for a research project undertaken by Dr. Y.C. Kong of the Department of Biochemistry. (40) From the following donors contributions to sponsor staff of the Department of Anaesthesia to attend a congress held in Washington, DC, USA in May 1988: (a) HK$3,315 from Astra Pharmaceuticals Sweden; (b) HK$3 , 315 from Johnson & Johnson (Hong Kong) Ltd.; (c) HK$10,764 from Abbott Laboratories Ltd.; and (d) HK$7 , 880 from Hong Kong Oxygen & Acetylene Co. (41) From the following donors contributions to sponsor weekly cardiac seminars organized by the Department of Medicine: (a) HK$6 , 000 from Squibb (Fa r East) Limited; (b) HK$7 , 000 from Bayer China Company limited; and (c) HK$6,500 from Boehringer Ingelheim (HK) Ltd. (42) From the following donors contributions to sponsor two international conferences organized by the Department of Biology: (a) $A12 , 566 from Australian International Development Assistance Bureau; (b) HK$ 19,457.50 from the International Union of Microbiological Societies; an d (c) US$22,000 from the United Nations Environment Programme. (43) From Cyanamid (Far East) Limited a donation of HK$7,800 to sponsor a staff of th e Department of Medicine to attend a congress in Beijing in April 1988. (44) From the Ex-Chinese Public Dispensaries Fund through the City and New Territories Administration a donation of HK$ 17,000 to sponsor a conference organized by the Centre for Hong Kong Studies to be held in December 1988. (45) From Mrs. Linda S. Geraghty a donation of HK$4 , 000 to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology for educational purpose. (46) From Glaxo Group Research Limited, UK a donation of US$875 to sponsor a staff o f the Department of Pharmacology to attend a meeting held in Kobe, Japan in May 1988. (47) From Lee Foundation, Hong Kong: (a) HK$9,000 for the purchase of a computer by the Department of Anatomy; and (b) HK$100,000 for the Overseas Chinese Archives of the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies. (48) From the following donors contributions to sponsor the international symposium on China's Civil Law General Principles organized by the Chinese Law Programme: (a) HK$24,000 from Messrs. C.P. Lin & Co.; (b) HK$24,000 from Messrs. Philip K.H. Wong & Co.; and (c) HK$24,000 from Messrs. Woo, Kwan, Lee & Lo. (49) From Milupa a donation of HK$7 , 000 to sponsor a staff of the Department of Paediatric s to attend a congress held in Tokyo, Japan in March and April 1988. (50) From the following donors contributions to sponsor the Third Asia Pacific Physics Conference organized by the Department of Physics in June 1988: (a) US$2,000 from the Physical Society of Japan; and (b) US$1,000 from International Centre for Theoretical Physics. (51) From Roche Asian Research Foundation a donation of HK$3,000 for clinical work undertaken by the Department of Anatomy. (52) From the Shanghai Fraternity Association HK Ltd. a donation of HK$300,000 for Shaw College to acquire reference books. (53) From Sir Run Run Shaw a donation of HK$300,000 as discretionary fund for the Chairman of the Planning Committee of Shaw College. (54) From Smith Kline & French Laboratories tw o donations of HK$15,000 each to sponsor the staff of the Department of Medicine t o attend a meeting held in Houston, Texas, USA i n May 1988. (55) From UNESCO a further donation of US$100 for the Third International Summer School on Optical Methods in Biophysics held on campus in 1987. (56) From various donors contribution s and gifts totalling HK$836,293 for Chung Chi College from November 1987 to March 1988. (57) From the following donors contributions to sponsor the International Imaging Seminar organized by the Department of Diagnostic 24