Annual Report 2008–09

41 研 究 Research 知識轉移 中大又為未來三年訂定了中期及長期知識 轉移策略,冀藉着提升知識轉移在大學架 構及活動的認知度,讓教職員及校外夥伴 清楚了解知識轉移在一個雙向意見交流 過程的重要性。為達至該目的,中大將成 立知識轉移委員會,由專掌研究事務的副 校長黃乃正教授領導;另一個協調校內知 識轉移活動的單位,以及一個負責加強健 康、生物醫學及生命科學範疇知識產權實 力的科技轉移單位。 研究項目重點 國家重點實驗室 農業生物技術國家重點實驗室(香港中 文大學)於二零零八年十二月正式揭幕, 這是繼二零零六年成立的華南腫瘤國家 重點實驗室(香港中文大學)後,中大第 二所獲國家科學技術部批准成立的國家 重點實驗室,專研改良中國農民的稻米品 種,從而提高國家稻米產量。 學術榮譽 中大教研隊伍傑出優秀,屢獲殊榮。截至 二零零九年六月,中大共有六位中國科學 院院士、四位中國科學院外籍院士及兩位 中國工程院院士。二零零九年三月,生物 系姜里文教授獲頒授裘槎基金會優秀科 研者獎,以表彰他在國際科學界的卓越成 就。自一九九七年起,中大共有十八位學 者獲裘槎基金會優秀科研者或優秀醫學 科研學者獎。 機械與自動化工程學系黃捷教授獲推選 為國際自動控制聯合會院士,表揚他於非 線性控制理論與設計的研究及教學貢獻, 以及其研究在飛機控制與導航、機電系 統、神經系統的應用。是年全球共有九位 學者獲該會院士榮銜,黃教授是大中華地 區唯一獲選者。 同系的廖維新教授,因在智能結構與振動 技術研究的貢獻獲選為美國機械工程師 協會院士。此外,他與其博士研究生梁俊 睿設計出一種能提升儲電效率的收集電 路,所集電能比現時採用的電路高出百分 之五十。這項研究的論文獲電機及電子工 程師學會訊息與自動化國際會議的「最佳 論文獎(自動化)」。 該系劉雲輝教授及訊息工程學系湯曉鷗 教授獲選為電機及電子工程師學會院士, 表揚他們分別在「多指機械手抓取技術與 視覺伺服控制系統」及「模式識別與視頻 處理技術」上的重大貢獻。中大的電機及 電子工程師學會院士總數至此增至二十三 位,為全港大學之冠。 化學講座教授謝作偉教授的「碳硼烷及其 金屬碳硼烷的合成、結構和反應」,以及 李嘉誠生理學講座教授兼上皮細胞生物 廖維新教授 Prof. Liao Wei-hsin 黃捷教授 Prof. Huang Jie by giving greater visibility to knowledge transfer in its institutional structures and activities. The University will achieve these aims by establishing a Committee on Knowledge Transfer chaired by Prof. Henry N.C. Wong, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor responsible for research matters, a knowledge transfer unit to coordinate knowledge transfer activities at CUHK, and a technology transfer unit to build intellectual property capacity in the health, biomedical and life sciences. Research Highlights State Key Laboratories The State Key Laboratory of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK) was officially opened in December 2008. Approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, this is the second state key laboratory to be established at CUHK since the opening of the State Key Laboratory in Oncology in South China in 2006. This national-level laboratory studies ways of improving rice yields in China by improving the species of rice grown by Chinese farmers. Academic Honours CUHK has a proud record of academic recognition. By June 2009 it had six Academicians, four Foreign Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and two academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. In March 2009, Prof. Jiang Liwen of the Department of Biology was awarded a Croucher Foundation Senior Research Fellowship in recognition of his outstanding scientific achievements in the international scientific community. This raised the University’s count of Croucher Foundation Senior Research/Medical Research Fellowships awarded since 1997 to 18. Prof. Huang Jie of the Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering was elected a Fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) for his contributions to teaching and research on nonlinear control theory and design, and its applications to flight control and guidance, electromechanical systems, and neural systems. In the same year, nine scholars were conferred IFAC fellows worldwide, Professor Huang being the only one from the Greater China region. Prof. Liao Wei-hsin of the same department was elected a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers for his significant contributions to smart structures and vibration technologies. He and his PhD student Mr. Liang Junrui designed an improved, self-powered switching interface for piezoelectric energy harvesting circuits which can increase the energy harvested by 50%. The innovative design also brought them the Best Paper Award in Automation in the 2009 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Conference on Information Automation. 姜里文教授 Prof. Jiang Liwen