Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1991
up the post o f field staff director of the Yale-China Association based at New Asia College, responsible for the association's academic exchange and teaching programmes in China and Hong Kong. He served for nine years in the position until October 1991 when he was appointed director o f The Chinese University's new Office o f Academic Links. Mr. Sheldon is active in academic and exchange organizations such as the National Association of International Educators and the Association o f Asian Studies. He also has a long association w ith the University's International Asian Studies Programme, where he now serves as honorary lecturer and ad viser. M r. Sheldon is currently a member o f the Assembly o f Fellows and the Board o f Trustees of New Asia College, and was vice-president o f the Yale Club o f Hong Kong from 1983 to 1991. Revd. Dr. Ernest Y.E. Wu Associate Director, Pastoral Programme, Theology D i v i sion An o ld boy o f D iocesan Boys' School and a graduate o f the University o f Hong Kong, Dr. Wu studied the ology at Princeton. He fu r thered his studies in pastoral psychology at T rinity College o f the University of Toronto and in pastoral counselling at the Christian Theological Seminary, Indiana. Dr. Wu once worked in the education sector in Hong Kong, and had experience of parish ministry and hospital chaplaincy in Toronto. Before joining The Chinese University, he worked as a psychologi cal counsellor in San Francisco Chinatown, helping needy families and battered women, and providing leadership for the local community. Dr. Wu has been a clinical member o f the American Association o f Marriage and Fam ily Therapy for almost 20 years. He is also related to the Hong Kong Council of the Church o f Christ in China and the Presbyterian Church (USA). Dr. Wu is married, with a son and a daughter. He and his family have travelled extensively in North America, and he is always happy to exchange amusing cross-cultural observations with his colleagues. He used to jog south o f the Golden Gate Bridge whilst in San Francisco, and now he can be seen jogging along the Pond Crescent on the Chung Chi campus every morning at around seven. Dr. Raymond Yeung Lecturer in Information Engi neering Dr. Yeung studied electrical engineering at Cornell Uni versity and received his BS, M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees in 1984 , 1985 , and 1988 respectively. Upon comple tion o f his doctoral studies, he joined the Performance Analysis Department of A T & T Be ll Laboratories, Holmdel, working on performance issues o f wideband packet networks, public telephone switches, and cellular communi cation systems. Dr. Yeung's specialization is information theory and he has published many papers on multi-terminal information theory, source coding, and Shannon's information measures. His most recent research is on the separability o f source coding and channel coding in data networks. He is also interested in coding theory, performance analysis and combinatorics. Dr. Yeung is a reviewer for Mathematical Reviews. In his leisure time, Dr. Yeung enjoys skiing, swimming, playing tennis and squash, and listening to classical music. PROFILES 24
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