Bulletin Number One 1986
Department of Religion Br i ef H i s t o ry The Department of Religion has inherited a long tradition of religious education and theological training handed down from the Mainland churches and thirteen Christian colleges of China. Since 1957 Chung Chi College has preserved and developed such a tradition in Hong Kong by incorporating religious and theological studies in its academic programme. In 1962, before joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong, the College set up a separately organized Chung Chi Theological Seminary, which was jointly supported by the Church of Christ in China, the Anglican Church, the Chinese Methodist Church, the Wei Li Kung Hui, the Swatow Baptist Church and the Tsung Tsin Mission. Representatives from these supporting churches set up a Board of the Seminary. They planned for the construction, on the College campus, of the Theology Building, which came into use in 1969. In 1968 , the Seminary as such ceased to exist and its function was transferred to a new Division of Theology in the Department of Philosophy and Religion. The Religion Department later became a separate department in 1977 with the Theology Division still attached to it. Present Structure and Programmes o f Studies The Department is composed of two Divisions: the Religious Knowledge Division and the Theology Division, offering various programmes of studies. Religious Knowledge Division The Division offers a regular undergraduate major programme leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts as well as a minor programme, with emphases on the study of various kinds of religious thoughts. The fields of study include Biblical Studies, History of Christianity, Systematic Theology, Phenomenology of Religion, History of Asian Religion, Religion and Society, Christian Education Studies, and Pastoral Studies. Qualified candidates must have fulfilled the University's entrance requirements or have obtained exemption from it. Theology Division The Division, under a Theological Council, is financed independently by the churches, but academically is a recognized part of the University. It offers both undergraduate and graduate programmes. The curricula of the various programmes are oriented towards mission and ministry. The Division adopts an ecumenical approach to theological studies and maintains a high academic standard. Qualified persons may be admitted as associate students in the Division for external degrees offered by the regional programmes of the South East Asia Graduate School of Theology. The Head of the Division is appointed by the University Council, through the Administrative and Planning Committee, upon the recommendation of the Board of Trustees of Chung Chi College. UndergraduateProgrammes The Division offers two undergraduate programmes: a Bachelor of Arts Programme and a Bachelor of Divinity (BD) (external degree) Programme. Qualified candidates for the BA Programme must have fulfilled the University's entrance requirements or have obtained exemption from it. As for the BD Programme, students should have university entrance standard, and the examinations are arranged and the degree granted by the South East Asia Graduate School of Theology. The programme of study includes basic theological studies and other subjects needed or desired to prepare for a vocation of ministry, and it normally takes five years to complete. PostgraduateProgrammes Three postgraduate programmes are also offered: (1) Master of Divinity (MDiv) Programme — This Programme is offered under the Division of Theology of the Graduate School. It normally takes three years, but two years for graduates who had majored in Theology or Religious Studies, to complete. The Programme includes theological studies and a degree thesis. It is designed to bring the students to a high level of competence in the basic skills and knowledge required for various forms of ministry. (2) Bachelor of Divinity (Hons) (external degree) Programme — The admission requirements and programme of study of this Programme are similar to those of the MDiv Programme except that this degree is conferred by South East Asia Graduate School of Theology and the emphasis of the Programme is more on research than on ministerial training. (3) Master of Theology (MTh) (external degree) Programme — The examiniations are arranged and the Degree granted by the South East Asia Graduate School of Theology. It takes two years for full-time students to complete. The Programme includes advanced research and a thesis on a special area of theological studies. Some specialized programmes may also be RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 19
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