Bulletin Number Five 1987
Cultural Events * Ten Ming Yu Visiting Scholars visited New Asia College between October and December: —Professor Lim Chong Yah, Head of the Department of Economics and Statistics, National University of Singapore, arrived on 26th October, 1987 for a five-day visit. Professor Lim conducted a seminar on 'Economics development: policy options for Singapore' on 29th October. The seminar was jointly organized with the Department of Economics. —Professor Donald P.K. Chan of the Department of Orthopaedic, Medical Centre, University of Rochester, New York, visited the College from 26th October to 2nd November, 1987. Professor Chan conducted a seminar on ‘Anterior spinal surgery' on 30th October. The seminar was jointly organized with the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. —Professor Fan Hai-fu, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, visited the College from 4th to 14th November. Professor Fan gave a lecture on 'The programme system SAPI and its application' on 10th November. The lecture was jointly organized with the Department of Chemistry. —Mr. Sun Feng-cheng, Associate Professor of the Department of Western Languages, Peking University, arrived on 15th November for a two-week visit. He gave a talk on 'Reception of contemporary Western arts and literature in China' on 23rd November. -Professor Mu Shik Jhon, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, paid a visit to the College between 18th and 24th November. Besides conducting seminars during the period, Professor Mu also gave a talk on 'Physicochemical approaches on the role of water in cancer, diabetes and AIDS' on 20th November. The seminar was jointly organized with the Department of Chemistry. —Professor Yoshio Watanabe, Department of Anthropology, Musashi University, visited the College from 29th November to 4th December. Professor Watanabe conducted a seminar on 'The kinship system in Mainland Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands' on 2nd December. The seminar was jointly organized wit h the Department of Anthropology. —Mr. Zhong Shao-hua, Research Fellow, Institute of History, Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, arrived on 29th November for a two-week visit. Mr. Zhong delivered a public lecture on ‘Remarks on the modern history of technology and science in China' on 3rd December. -Professor Ye Wen-cheng, Head of the Anthropology Department, Xiamen University, visited the College from 1st to 7th December. Professor Ye gave a talk on ‘Recent development of ethnological and archaeological researches in Fujian' on 4th December. 一 Professor Shao Mei-cheng, Professor of Chemistry, Peking University, visited the College from 2nd to 9th December and conducted a seminar on 'Structural chemistry of oxo-vanadium complexes' on 4th December. —Professor Chen Chi-yun, Professor of History, University of California, Santa Barbara, visited the College from 15th to 23rd December and gave a public lecture on ‘The linguistic concept of the Confucianist - mean it partially and mean it completely' on 18th December. The lecture was jointly organized with the Department of History. * The Institute of Chinese Studies organized the following lectures/seminars: —‘East Asian History of Science Foundation cultural exchange seminar' conducted by Professor Ko Tsun, Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Engineering, on 27th October. 18
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