Bulletin Winter 1999

also published several articles on composition and language as well as a university-level textbook entitled Process and Practice: Activities for Composing in English . Dr. Chan's specific interests within composition are writing in different academic disciplines and in business and professional settings. She plans to do further research in these areas, and to write and publish papers based on her doctoral research into writing in an undergraduate business course. She is also interested in relationships between language and content, language and c u l t u r e, and i n w r i t i n g as a means o f thinking/learning. Throughout her years of teaching writing Dr. Chan has not forgotten her love of creative writing; she writes stories, lately for children, and poe t r y, as we l l as engaging in other types of non-academic writing. D r . W i l l i am M . Ep s t e in Lecturer in Social Work Dr. Epstein studied at B r ook l yn College ( BA 1967), the University of Pittsburgh (MSW 1968) and Columbia University (DSW 1977). Prior to his appointment to join the Un i v e r s i t y, he taught community organization, policy analysis and social planning at the State University of New York, Buffalo, and at the University of Southern Mississippi. Since 1963 he has worked as a rural development specialist in South America, as a community organizer in a variety of United States cities and towns, and as a Federal official supervising the development of a national network of community health programmes. He has consulted extensively on social welfare with private and public agencies including the United States Congress, the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the Governor of Mississippi, the Na t i onal Schoolboard Association, and the National Consumers League. He has directed policy research, evaluations of social welfare programmes and legislative analyses in the United States for the National Academy of Sciences, the US Public Health Service, the US Department of Justice and a number of local agencies including Integrated Mental Health Inc., Community Action Associates, and the Antioch School of Law. Dr. Epstein has focused his research on the issue of programmatic effectiveness through a series of publications that analyse social services. Most recently, this interest has turned to the use of scientific research in the formulation of social welfare policies. D r . W i n g - p i ng F o ng Lecturer in Biochemistry D r . W i n g - p i ng Fo ng r ece i ved his B.Sc. in biochemistry in 1983 and subsequently his Ph.D. in 1987 from The Chinese U n i v e r s i ty o f H o ng Kong. He then worked as a postdoctoral research fellow in the Center for B i ochemi cal and B i o- physical Sciences and Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA. He returned to Hong Kong in June 1989 to take up the post of lecturer in biochemistry. Dr. Fong's principal research interest is related mainly to the enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism. His work has been published in numerous international journals as well as proceedings of conferences. D r . Su n ny T . L i Lecturer in Journalism and Communication Dr. Sunny T. Li, former assistant professor of Pittsburgh State University, Kansas, joined this Un i v e r s i ty i n Augu st 1989 as lecturer in the Department of Journalism and Communication. Bom and educated in Hong Kong, Dr. L i received his bachelor's degree from The Chinese University in 1977. He also obtained a master's degree from the University of Oregon in 1984, and doctoral degree f r om Oklahoma State University in 1988. In his advanced studies, he majored in journalism and mass communication. Since graduation from The Chinese University, he taught in a number of secondary schools in Hong Kong, and served as teaching assistant at Oklahoma State for two years. He also worked as reporter for the 21