1. 嚮往綠色生活並愛護地球及大自然
2. 堅負推廣綠色生活的使命及責任心
3. 願意分享綠色生活概念及環保資訊
小組 |
工作職能 |
和聲園藝 |
管理書院有機農場、協助農作物收成及定期澆水等 定期向公眾分享耕種的成果及樂趣 協助宿舍內植物的簡單照料 籌辦綠色和聲日 小組1:主要負責和聲有機農場
小組2:主要負責宿舍範圍內植物及水幕牆旁邊小花園 |
綠色守護者 |
協助宣傳環保及綠色活動 分享環保訊息 (分享環保或節約能源等相關新聞, 製作宣傳環保影片) 籌辦綠色和聲日 管理和聲尋瑰寶及漂書閣 |
環保媒體 |
製作環保資訊視訊及短片,以協助宣揚綠色生活及活動 |
We are recruiting Junior Leaders of Green Life Ambassador. Besides performing duties of GLA, leaders should also be responsible for:
If you are interested in taking this meaningful challenge, please register at: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13651165 (Application period:1 July 2022 to 15 July 2022).
Please note that your application will be considered and selected by college. Priority will be given to those who has participated the GLA programme and had good performance.
(報名日期: 2023年8月26日 – 2023年9月11日)
黃靜怡 (本科二年級生)
陳詠軒 (本科一年級生)
(English Only)
Recycling probably is one of the most significant elements in the sustainability and today I try to put those used plastic bottles into the RVM (Reverse Vending Machine) nearby my living place. I appreciate the concept of allowing consumers to feed in used plastic bottles for instant rebate since it could give citizens economic incentives to develop daily green habits. Let’s record our green footprints every day!
An energy dashboard is developed to monitor the electricity usage in the College area:
In the summer of 2013, the glass curtain wall of LG1 fitness room and LG2 student dining room of Lee Woo Sing College was coated with a layer of infrared heat insulation film. The heat insulation film coating reduces the indoor temperature by 2-5°C, which saves the electricity cost of air-conditioning and the energy.