CUHK: Focus at 50
11 傳承 Embrace our Culture 5 書海驪珠:香港中文大學圖書館珍藏展 From the Treasure House: Jewels from the Library of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 10.1–19.5.2013 6 金曜風華:夢蝶軒藏中國古代金飾 Radiant Legacy: Ancient Chinese Gold from the Mengdiexuan Collection 5.5.2013–16.3.2014 7 意象中大─陳鏗油畫展 Images of CUHK—Oil Painting Exhibition by Chen Keng 22.10–15.11.2013 8 「地下的中國─鳳翥龍翔」展覽 ‘China Unearthed: Soaring Phoenix, Rising Dragon’ Exhibition 25.10.2013–21.3.2014 9 「傳承.開創」金禧校慶校友藝術作品展 Embrace our Culture, Empower our Future—CUHK Alumni Art Exhibition 21–26.11.2013 10 殊「塗」同歸:香港中文大學與英國牛津大學所藏高劍父、呂壽琨作品展 Two Masters, Two Generations, and One Vision for Modern Chinese Painting: Paintings by Gao Jianfu and Lui Shou-kwan in The Chinese University of Hong Kong and University of Oxford 7.12.2013–15.5.2014 10 10
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