Equipment Location
Note to user
- Sample type and the fluorescence channel to be detected
- Frequency of usage and duration of project
- Training: external user will be charged HKD 1000 for an introductory training which takes approximately 1 hour. They can bring their samples to attend. After the training, they may become a qualified user of the confocal microscopy.
- No imaging services provided.
- Accessibility: office hour for qualified external users; 24/7 for qualified internal users. Booking can be made two days before the anticipated usage.
- Charge: qualified users can operate on their own at an hourly rate of HKD 500/hr.
- Training: ONLY users trained by Leica engineer can operate the STED. Training will usually be arranged twice per year and is free of charge. However, seats are limited.
- Imaging service: Imaging service is provided at an hourly rate of HKD 1000/hr.
- Accessibility: office hour only for BOTH qualified internal and external users. Booking can be made two days before the anticipated usage. Please collect the key from the equipment contact person and return after use.
- Charge: qualified users can operate on their own at an hourly rate of HKD 500/hr.