The Call of CUHK Colleges

校友是書院的重要成員。他們以過來人身分給在學生提供意見,最是合適不過。新亞的學長計劃,讓學生得以分享前輩的 寶貴經驗。院方每年均舉辦畢業十、二十、三十及四十周年校友重聚活動,把不同年代的校友與學生連繫起來。學長計劃 活動多元化,例如參觀國泰航空公司的總部-國泰城。 New Asia alumni are an important part of the College as there are no better candidates to share experiences with current students, most notably through the mentorship programme. The College organizes reunion activities for alumni who have graduated at 10 to 40 years intervals in order to strengthen ties with them. The programme includes a wide range of activities, e.g., visiting Cathay Pacific City, the headquarters complex of the Hong Kong-based airline. 33