The Call of CUHK Colleges

院訓 College Motto 博學、進德、濟民 Scholarship, Virtue, Service 院長 Master 莫理斯教授 Prof. Sir James Mirrlees 院訓 College Motto 知仁忠和 Wisdom, Humanity, Integrity, Harmony 院長 Master 劉允怡教授 Prof. Joseph W.Y. Lau 晨興書院 Morningside College 和聲書院 Lee Woo Sing College 院訓 College Motto 文行忠信 Culture, Morals, Devotion, Trustworthiness 院長 Master 辛世文教授 Prof. Samuel Sun Sai-ming 善衡書院 S.H. Ho College 伍宜孫書院 Wu Yee Sun College 院訓 College Motto 修己澤人,儲才濟世 Cultus et Beneficentia 院長 Master 楊綱凱教授 Prof. Kenneth Young 敬文書院 C.W. Chu College 院訓 College Motto 博學篤行 Scholarship and Perseverance 院長 Master 李沛良教授 Prof. Rance P.L. Lee 21