Bulletin No. 1, 2009
24 Chinese University Bulletin No. 1, 2009 Li Haochu Howard ( 1s t r i g h t ) , f u l l - time student of the Doctor of Philosophy Programme visiting the site in Sichuan Nanba Workstation To facilitate earthquake relief in Sichuan, the School of Public Health established partnerships with the Department of Anthropology of Sun Yat- sen University, the Sichuan Institute of Nationality Studies, the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau of Pingwu County in Sichuan, and the Hong Kong Concordia Welfare and Education Foundation to launch a workstation in the town of Nanba in Pingwu county, Sichuan on 22 December 2008. Nanba was severely affected by the earthquake. The missions of the workstation are to provide collaborative disaster relief services and to conduct research studies assessing victims’ needs, physical and mental health conditions and their utilization of health ser vices. The workstation is strongly supported by local officials and s t a f f e d w i t h t wo workers staying in Nanba for a period of three years. The workstation is going to organize talks for v i c t ims on ment al health to be delivered by experts from Hong Kong in May and June 2009. Prof. Joseph Lau (4th left, back row), Director of the Centre for Health Behaviours Research of the School of Public Health, and representatives of the partners Visits by Shaw College Encouraged by College Head Prof. Joseph Sung, a delegation formed by Shaw students paid several visits to the quake-affected areas. Their most recent visit was from 23 to 28 December 2008 to Dujiangyan and Leiguzhen in Beichuan of Sichuan. They visited families, a kindergarten and two primary schools. They also presented 200 comforters donated by Mr. Hamen Fan, trustee of the College, to local officials for distribution to victims. The delegation found that the victims seemed positive about their situation and accepted relief supplies with dignified gratitude. Some of the bereaved even volunteered their help .
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