Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1991
Details of Projects Awarded Earmarked Grants The 44 successful research projects this year fall into eight different areas: management and social studies, language, b io log ica l sciences, computer science and information technology, education, elec tronic engineering, medicine, and physical sciences. Details are separately tabled below. □ Project Title CUHK Investigators Funds Approved (HK$m) Management & Social Studies ResourceManagement of Country Parks with Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing Technologies Dr. T. Fung 0.500 Development of an Intelligent Spatial Decision Support System Dr. Y. Leung Dr. K.S. Leung 0.660 The Objective Assessment of Cognitive Deficits in Attention Deficit —Hyper activity Disorder (AD-HD) Children in Hong Kong Dr. J.P. Leung Dr. C.S.K. Tang 0.240 Political Culture andPolitical Participation of the Hong Kong Chinese Prof. S.K. Lau Prof. H.C. Kuan 0.300 Marital Adjustment, Parent-Child Relations and the Psychological Well-being of Midlife Married Adults in Hong Kong Dr. D.T.L. Shek Dr. M.C. Lam Mr. K.W. Tsoi Miss CM. Lam 0.490 Further Validation and Development of Uniform T-Scores for the Chinese Multiphasic Personality Inventory Dr. F.M.C. Cheung Dr. K. Leung Dr. J. Sachs 0.300 Language The Creation of aComputer-based Corpus of Spoken andWritten English in Hong Kong Dr. J.H.W. Hung 0.450 The Development of Grammatical Competence in Cantonese-speaking Children Dr. T.H.T. Lee 0.700 Biological Sciences Protein Engineering of Trichosanthin (TCS) and α -momorcharin ( α -MMC): Modification of Antigenic Determinants and Structure-Function Studies Dr. P.C. Shaw Dr. W.K.K.Ho Dr. Y.S. Moon Dr. H.W. Yeung Dr. T.B. Ng 2.290 Phosphatidylinositol Phosphate Kinase - Regulation by GProteins and the Development of Specific Inhibitors Dr. C.H.K. Cheng 0.420 RESEARCH 4
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