Annual Report 2003–04
G M P 生物製品及 血清純化平台的 自動清洗設備 GMP Multipurpose Purification Pilot Plant : Clean-In-Place Facilit y 工商及科技局局長曾俊華先生(前排 右三)參觀 GMP 生物製品及 血 清純 化平台 Mr. John Tsang, Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology (third right, front row) visiting the GMP Multipurpose Purification Pilot Plant 為幫助工程專業人員獲得最新的技術和科技管理 知識,自動化與計算機輔助工程學系和香港工程 師學會合辦了「鐵路工程暑期課程」,創新科技中 心則與在職專業人士合辦了「資訊保安」及「科技 企業家的知識產權策略」工作坊,而計算機科學 與工程學系亦透過資訊科技培訓中心提供多個 高 級計算機科學課程。 香港生物科技硏究院(生科院)作為下游產品開發 中心,一直領導香港及大中華區生物科技和中藥 業的發展,年內在學術硏究應用、技術轉移和產 品商業化方面,跨前了一大步。 在生物科技發展方面,生科院獲政府創新及科技 基金資助,自行設計和建造了 「GMP 生物製品及 血清純化平台」,用以純化及生產生物科技及血 清製品,並增強該院與業界、學術界以及政府機 構的合作。該計劃的贊助機構「愛華生物科技有 限公司」,將會利用這平台開發血清製品,醫洽 原發性免疫力缺乏症、狼瘡、乙型肝炎和狂犬病 等疾患。 engineering. The Centre for Innovation and Technology worked with practising professionals to organize workshops on 'Information Security' and 'StrategicManagement for Intellectual Property Rights'. The IT Training Centre operated by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering continued to provide training on advanced computer engineering topics. In the past year, the Hong Kong Institute of Biotechnology (HKIB) made substantial progress i n many areas. As a downstream development organization, HKIB maintained its leading position in promoting the development of biotechnology and Chinese medicine industries in Hong Kong and Greater China. Achievements were made in academic research application, technology transfer, an d product commercialization. HKIB designed and constructed a new biotechnology and plasma product downstream pilot GMP facility . Funded by the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Government , the plant serves as a multipurpose protein purification platform for th e production of clinical grade materials with inbuilt GMP capability in accordance with Hong Kong and Chinese State Drug Administration GMP requirements. The project sponsor, Advantek Biologics Ltd., will make use of the facility to develop plasma protein therapeutics. With support from the Innovation Technology Commission, HKIB installed a state-of-the-art Process Development Facilit y for Chinese Medicine. The 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report2003-2004 6 0
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