Annual Report 2007–08
36 醫學院的腸胃學研究隊伍(左圖)以研究腸胃潰瘍出血 的創新療法,獲頒二零零七年度「國家科學技術進 步獎」二等獎;地理學講座教授梁怡教授(右圖) 憑其地理及遙感數據建模基礎理論研究, 獲二零零七年度「國家自然科學獎」二等獎。 The gastrointestinal research group of the Faculty of Medicine (left photo) won the second-class award of the State Scientific and Technological Progress Award for its innovative contribution to the treatment of peptic ulcer bleeding. Prof. Leung Yee (right photo), Professor of Geography, won the second-class award of the 2007 State Natural Science Award for his basic theoretical research on modeling of geographical and remote sensing data. 建築學系吳恩融教授(右二)領導的「香港空氣流通評估方法 的可行性研究」,為都市空氣流通評估方法提供指引,擊敗逾 百個來自世界各地大學建築學系的參賽單位,榮獲二零零七年 英國皇家建築師協會研究獎,在傑出大學主導項目組中奪得 亞軍。 A research team led by Prof. Edward Ng (2nd right), Department of Architecture, received an honour from the Royal Institute of British Architects Research Awards 2007. The project ‘Feasibility Study for Establishment of Air Ventilation Assessment Method in Hong Kong’, which provides guidelines for urban air ventilation assessment, emerged as the runner- up for the Outstanding University-led Project category, among projects by over 100 architecture departments in universities around the world. 內科及藥物治療學兩位講座教授沈祖堯教授(中)及 陳家亮教授(左),於食物及衞生局舉辦的二零零七年 衞生醫護研討會中獲頒最傑出貢獻(臨床治療)獎;於 同一場合,護理學講座教授李子芬教授(右)憑探討如 何減低住於院舍的慢性阻塞性肺病年長患者重複出入 醫院的研究,獲頒優異研究獎。 Two Professors of Medicine and Therapeutics, Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (centre) and Prof. Francis Chan Ka- leung (left), were awarded the Most Outstanding Contribution Award (Clinical Therapeutics) at the Health Research Symposium 2007 organized by the Food and Health Bureau. On the same occasion, Prof. Diana T.F. Lee (right), Professor of Nursing, was awarded the Excellent Research Award for the project titled ‘A Care Protocol to Reduce Hospital Readmissions of Elderly Residential Care Home Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease’. 工商管理學院的國際商業研究論文在著名學術期刊的刊載量高 踞首位。該項排名以二零零一至零六年間於三份國際知名學術期 刊中發表文章的數目計算,該等期刊為 Journal of International Business Studies, Management International Review 及 Journal of World Business 。是次結果於二零零八年七月在意大 利米蘭舉行的 Academy of International Business 年會中公布。 The Faculty of Business Administration ranked top in research productivity in international business research. The ranking was based on the number of articles published in three prestigious academic journals including the Journal of International Business Studies , Management International Review , and the Journal of World Business , during 2001–06. The ranking was announced at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting in Milan in July 2008.
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