Annual Report 2003–04
社會,對香港高等敎育的貢獻尤巨。他廣泛的社 會和商界聯繫尤有助中文大學的發展。 其他管理層變動包括程伯中敎授獲委出任逸夫書 院院長,接替楊汝萬敎授;楊敎授已連續三屆共 十年出任院長,任期於二零零四年二月十日屆 滿。四所學院亦先後選出新任院長,他們分別為 李子建敎授(敎育學院)、劉煥明敎授(理學院)、 任德盛敎授(工程學院)和霍泰輝敎授(醫學院)。 令人傷感的是,大學終身校董柯克樂博士於二零 零三年十二月一日辭世。柯克樂博士為美國高等 敎育界泰斗,一九六四年起出任中大校董,一九 九三年成為終身校董,鼎助中大垂四十年,貢獻 良多,我們永誌不忘。 過去一年,中大肩負的任務既艱,面對的挑戰亦 大。幸而,大學師生、校董會、校友會,齊心合 力,任務順利完成,挑戰成功克服,從中顯現中 大人的優秀品質,值得我們自豪。大學管理層的 專業領導,敎職員的忠誠服務,同學的努力學 習,令中文大學發展得更蓬勃,我向大家致以深 切的謝意。 大學校董會幾經努力,在世界各地物色中大校長 的繼任人選,最後決定委任劉遵義敎授為中大 continued support as a life member of the Council after his retirement. Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng is an outstanding leader in public service who has made important contributions to the community-at-large and to the advancement of higher education in particular. His extensive social and business connections will also benefit the University's development. There were also changes in University management. Prof. P.C. Ching was appointed head of Shaw College, succeeding Prof. Yeung Yue-man. Prof. Yeung had been head of the college for three terms in a row, amounting to a total of 10 years. His final term ended on 10th February 2004. Four faculties elected new deans. They were Prof. John Lee Chi-kin (education), Prof. Leo W.M. Lau (science), Prof. Peter Yum Tak-shing (engineering), and Prof. Fok Tai-fai (medicine). On a completely different note, Dr. Clark Kerr, Council member since 1964, life member of the Council since 1993, and a giant in American higher education, passed away on 1st December 2003. Members of the University will fondly remember the wise counsel of Dr. Kerr and his unstinting support for CUHK throughout the last four decades. The University was faced with challenges of unprecedented scale in the past year. They were overcome with the bravery, loyalty, and wisdom of all members of the University. I wish to thank members of the University Council for their leadership and foresight, and all teaching and administrative staff for their selfless dedication. After an intensive world-wide search for a new vice-chancellor, the University Council announced on 13th October 2003 the appointment of Prof. Lawrence J. Lau as the sixth vice-chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1st July 2004. Prof. Lau is a distinguished scholar and visionary educationalist. He has been Kwok-Ting Li Professor of Economic Development at Stanford University since 1992. A world-class economist, Prof. Lau has made excellent research achievements in economic theory, economic growth, and the economies of East Asia. 金耀基校長與繼任人劉遵義敎授 Vice-chancellors old and new: Prof. Ambrose King and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau 香港中文大學年報 CUHK Annual Report2003-2004 10
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