They Stand on the Shoulders of GiantsStories of seven young researchers
April 2020

‘If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.’
──Sir Isaac Newton (1643–1727), ‘Letter to Robert Hooke’, 5 February 1676
For someone who’s just starting, the academic path is not particularly easy or imminently rewarding. In fact, it can get bumpy and lonely. Yet what has sustained generations of young men and women in their pursuit of knowledge is the unquenchable desire to see a farther and wider vista of human destiny and capability, to stand on the shoulders of giants like Newton who stood on the shoulders of other giants.
CUHK has an enviable pool of young talent and has instituted a range of policies and measures to enable and empower them to excel in their respective disciplines. One of these is the Young Researcher Award, established since 2002, with which the University gives recognition to the accomplishments of young researchers who are full-time teachers below the age of 45 and at the Assistant Professor rank or above.
The latest crop, the eight recipients of the 2018 award, received trophies, certificates and research grants at the 87th Congregation on 7 November 2019. We will hear the stories of seven of these recipients and how their perseverance and passions led to quality outputs that address the concerns of society and the times.
Reported by J. Lau, ISO
Photos by Keith Hiro