和聲啓程-巴西雞尾酒及文化體驗| Onboaring Programme Workshops – Caipirinha Making and Brazilian Culture Experience

書院將會舉辦一系列的和聲啓程工作坊,旨在為一年級學生提供寶貴的技能和知識,拓寬他們的思維,並讓他們有機會互相了解。 這些工作坊將涵蓋廣泛的主題,包括曼陀羅藝術、巴西雞尾酒調製與巴西文化以及新年絲網印刷手提袋製作。 我們歡迎所有年級的學生參加工作坊。 請查看工作坊詳情。名額有限,立即報名! 報名截止日期為工作坊的前 4 天。

We are hosting a series of workshops designed to provide year one students with valuable skills and knowledge to broaden their mind and get a chance to know each other well. These workshops will cover a wide range of topics, including mandala art, cocktail making & Brazilian culture, and silk-screen tote bag making. We welcome all the year students to join the workshop. Please check the details of the workshops. Limited quota. Registration now! The deadline for registration is 4 days before each workshop.

Caipirinha Making and Brazilian Culture Experience (English)
Date: 17 Jan 2024 (Wed)
Time: 6:30pm-8:30pm
Venue: Cookery Demonstration Room, 2/F, WS1
Instructor: Dr. MACEDO ROSA Julia (Assistant Lecturer, School of Biomedical Sciences)
Quota: 12-16 students (priority given to year 1 students)
Fees: Free-of-charge ($150 will be levied on the students in case of no-show/ late notice of absence)
Registration: https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13680837

Caipirinha Making and Brazilian Culture Experience

The event is finished.




6:30 pm - 8:30 pm