Facts and Figures 2010
Major Career Fields of 2009 First Degree Holders * * Figures as at 31 March 2010 and excluding medical graduates Alumni Number of Alumni Associations: 97 Distribution of Graduates by Graduation Year Graduation Year Number 2001 and after 58,406 1991–2000 36,165 1981–1990 17,315 1971–1980 9,429 1970 and before 4,515 Total 125,830 Career Field Medical & Health Services Administration/Management Information Technology Accounting/Auditing Sales/Marketing Banking/Finance Teaching Public Relations/ Mass Communication Scientific/Research Work Social Work/ Community Work Percentage 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 12.0% 11.3% 10.7% 10.6% 10.4% 8.5% 6.5% 5.7% 2.9% 2.7% 19
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