Calendar 2000–01
" expression. Both social science theories and professional media practice are stressed. The undergraduate programme has five subfields: broadcasting, advertising and public relations, print journalism, multi-media and telecommunications, and communication studies. The postgraduate programmes lead to the degrees of MPhil, MSSc, MA, MSc, and PhD. The school is the pioneer of communication education and research in Hong Kong, and its teaching staff are active in research, especially in international communication and communication patterns in cultural China. Tel.: 2609 6578 Fax.: 2603 5019 E-mail: The department offers a programme which provides students with a thorough and empirical grounding in psychology. Its long-term strategy is to cultivate a distinctive Chinese voice in the discipline. Through the promotion of indigenous approaches, collaboration with overseas scholars in research, and hosting international conferences, it has gained an international reputation for innovative scholarship and proactive leadership. It plans to use its resources and expertise in helping to rebuild and develop the discipline of psychology in China. # $ Tel.: 2609 7507 Fax.: 2603 5018 E-mail: The department prepares students to be professionally competent social workers who are committed to the welfare of their clientele and social justice. Students are encouraged to develop independent and critical thinking, identify with the humanistic values and ethics of the social work profession, and maintain a special concern for the vulnerable groups in society. Exchanges between students and teachers through small-group and individual contacts, and integration of theory and practice through field practicums are emphasized in the curriculum. Tel.: 2609 6604/2609 6606 Fax.: 2603 5213 E-mail: The department runs an undergraduate programme to provide students with a sound training in theoretical and methodological knowledge in sociology. The objective is to cultivate sociological perspectives in the analysis of social issues at a critical and informed level, and to provide a balanced education for further studies in the subject. Courses offered cover four broad areas: social organization and institutions, social issues and problems, social development and regional studies, social research and analysis. These are supplemented by foundation courses in Chinese society and sociological theory, and practical courses in writing/ reading and computer skills as they apply to sociological studies.
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